Wednesday 6 January 2021

Wednesday 6th January 2021

Not a great night's sleep. Kept waking with the impression that my breathing was getting shallow! When I awoke for the final time, my neck was aching...getting old!

Did a little bit of work after breakfast, and spoke to MD on the phone. Aki and I walked to Stroud Green, and popped into the greengrocer, and got some odds and ends in TescoExpress. Received a package from Paul Smith...but the trousers were too small, so I had to repackage them and queue up at the Post Office to return them from whence they came. 

Shocking scenes from Capitol Hill as Trump's "blackshirts" stormed the US Congress. Disgraceful scenes, that should, hopefully, lead to Trump being arrested and tried for treason. What a fuckin' mess he's made of it all, pardon my French!!!

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