Wednesday 13 January 2021

Tuesday 12th January 2021

Spent most of today in front of the computer screen. Aki popped out and cycled to the greengrocer in Stroud Green Road.

BT sent an engineer round this afternoon to check for faults on our internet provision. He checked the box outside, and said he could find no fault, so we let him in, suitably masked, to check out our router. He seems to think the problem may lie with our Devolo wifi extension system, as the signal strength almost halves by the time it gets to the desktop computer, but our wifi readings when in close proximity to the router were even slower. The BT guy didn't seem to know why this would be the case, so we'll just have to live with it for the present, and see what happens.

Aki set up the gas burner for a Japanese style salmon hotpot for dinner.


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