Wednesday 13 January 2021

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Quite vivid dreams again last night, but couldn't summon up a narrative on waking. I recalled being on the top deck of a bus in driving rain, and going down a very wide and deep concrete staircase in a very cavernous ultra-modern art nouveau railway station...

Spent the day in the car inspecting property in east London. Had to drive over to ASDA in Beckton for a comfort break, so had my packed lunch in the ASDA car park. Got home around 5.30pm and popped in to TescoExpress to buy some things for lunches later in the week.

We watched and cheered as the House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump...but can't see them winning over the 17 Republicans they'll need to convict in the Senate. What a bunch! Meanwhile, over 1,500 deaths due to Covid reported's beginning to run amok...

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