Saturday 30 January 2021

Friday 29th January 2021

Dreamt I was in Edinburgh visiting Venue No.4, which had reverted to it's more usual use as a fish market....I tasted the crab...very nice! Then went to see a show in the well of a disused cinema. Later, I found myself flying a small plane over floodplains and fast flowing rivers trying to find somewhere to make an emergency landing. Had to be rescued. Then I was looking at the design of an album cover for a set of improvised piano pieces by Ogden Nash. Looked like a couple of pork chops photographed from above!

Drove back out to Wellingborough...another long day in the saddle. Stopped off at London Gateway on the M1 for a coffee, and needed a comfort break by the time I got to Wellingborough. Made a bee line for the Tesco superstore on Turnells Mill Lane. A lot of stock to photograph on extensive Council estates where I continually had to get out of the car and the set of A Clockwork Orange! Very depressing. Stopped at Sainsburys once twilight was upon us, and shopped for luncheon items, before driving back down the M1 in the drizzle.

Got home at 1915. Fish curry for dinner, then watched Juneteenth...nice little movie, but I felt it needed a bit more grit in the storyline. 

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