Sunday 10 January 2021

Sunday 10th January 2021

More strange dreams last night. Dreamt I was going on holiday with Geoff Hoare, a retired colleague, and his wife. Geoff and I were walking along a city pavement pulling our suitcases behind us. We crossed the road at a pedestrian crossing. Walking down the opposite side of the street, Geoff realised he'd lost one of the lenses from his spectacles, which we could see glinting on the opposite side of the road. I went back to the pedestrian crossing, but by the time I got near the fallen lens, Geoff had crossed the road and retrieved it. So I attempted to board a bus, but just missed it, and had to jog beside it to the next bus stop. I got off at the train station, and looked for Geoff and his wife on the crowded platform!

Played my Christmas present from Aki...the vinyl edition of Exile on Main Street...just to check it wasn't scratched, really...sounded great, and we had a bit of a jig about in the living-room to Turd On the Run. Read a bit of A House for Mr Biswas, which I am enjoying hugely, and then watched FA Cup football on BBC1. Crawley Town hammered Leeds United 3-0...great stuff! Rebecca from next door phoned to say she had cooked a Victoria sponge...Sush passed me a couple of slices, in a plastic container, across the fence in the front garden.

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