Thursday 7 January 2021

Thursday 7th January 2021

Woke once in the night to check the BBC live reporting on the attempted coup in the US. By morning, the news confirmed that Biden's election win had been certified by Congress. Now all that remains is to drag Trump kicking and screaming from the Oval Office in a couple of weeks' time.

Did a little prep work this morning prior to planning a drive to Medway next having second thoughts about going, though, as hospitals are now so full, I'd be in danger of not getting intensive care treatment, or a timely response from the emergency services, should I be in a car accident! Will monitor the situation, and make a decision next week. In the meantime, Savills have issued us with a letter to show the police should we be stopped whilst out and about on Savills business.

Only contact with the outside world today came when Sush rang the doorbell, looking for Lynne. He had a traffic warden with him who was about to issue her with a ticket. I knocked on her door, and she finally materialised, and Sush took her car keys and moved her car for her, much to the traffic warden's bemusement.

Spoke to ma on the landline. She said their second covid jabs were still scheduled for a couple of weeks' time, and it sounds as though Kath is in line for a first jab soon.

No sign yet of the republican members of Trump's Cabinet moving to invoke the 25th Amendment. Looks like an Impeachment Trial will come from the House of Representatives, though. Bring it on!

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