Thursday 28 January 2021

Thursday 28th January 2021

Didn't sleep particularly well last night, so decided not to spend 10 hours in the car doing inspections up Northampton way, and instead concentrated on stock that needs looking at in east London.

Didn't manage to get out of the flat until 9.45am. Needed a comfort break at Sainsburys in Harringay, where I'd gone for petrol. Got some odds and ends in store. Needed another break at lunchtime, so headed for ASDA in Beckton, as I can access the facilities there without having to go through the store. Ate my lunch in the car park, as usual!

Finished up in Walthamstow by dusk, and drove home. Phoned mum this evening to see what they were planning for Kath's 60th birthday next week. They plan to have her round for food, and are giving her some cash to put towards an E Bike.

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