Thursday 14 January 2021

Thursday 14th January 2021

Another day in the car, though I got off to a late start, as someone from Savills IT phoned me just as I was about to head off. Spent the day driving about Barking and Dagenham. Managed to get myself a comfort break at Beckton ASDA, and stopped for another at Tesco in Barking, where I bought some odds and ends, and had my thermos soup in the car park.

Got home around 5.30. Aki cooked pork shoulder for dinner. Mum rang to say she couldn't work FaceTime on her ipad. Tried FaceTiming her back, but no reply. Don't know what's gone awry there!

Another 1,500 covid deaths recorded today. It ain't going away any time soon! Went to bed feeling a little breathless...hope it's psychological. 

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