Friday 1 January 2021

Friday 1st January 2021

A new year dawns. Didn't get a great night's sleep. The CPAP machine woke me a couple of times, and I had problems with a chronically dry mouth and throat, which needed hydrating. Woke up with a blocked nose.

Aki produced the traditional Japanese soup and rice cakes, or mochi, for breakfast, washed down with an unusual herb infused saki.

Got a FaceTime call from Ma and Pa wishing us a Happy New Year. They are worried that their second covid jab will be postponed, but they haven't heard anything concrete yet.

Katherine and George passed by, and wished us a Happy New Year through the living-room window.

FaceTimed Kath...she'd gone to bed early last night, as she had been sleeping over at Muriel's the night before, which means being woken up every 30 minutes!

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