Saturday 30 January 2021

Saturday 30th January 2021

Bit of a nothing day today...rain forecast for most of the daylight hours, so we stayed in. We designed a 60th birthday card to send to Kath...Aki put it together in Photoshop. Very good. 

Listened to Arlo Parks' new or two outstanding tracks which may find themselves into What's Hip 2021. 

Didn't have lunch, as I'd cooked a huge breakfast. Read a bit this afternoon.

Dined on warmed up chicken cacciatore, and watched The Dig, a semi-fictionalised account of the discovery of the Sutton Hoo hoard. I was surprised at how moved I was when they made the first discoveries...I have been, and stood on that mound, and gawked at the treasures uncovered, in the British Museum. Beautifully shot film...very enjoyable.

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