Friday 1 January 2021

Thursday 31st December 2020

Funny dream last night. Aki and I seemed to be holidaying in a rundown seaside town. Wandering about in the twilight, we bumped into an old friend of Aki's, and he invited us out for dinner. I declined, as I had another engagement. I arranged to meet them back at the hostel we were staying in. It was a bit rundown, too, and all the doors were painted purple. On my return, I entered the building from a back entrance, and found that I had to make way through small occupied rooms, even at one point having to walk across a dining table where a woman was just finishing her evening meal...I nearly knocked her drink off the table with my foot! 

Back in the real world, Aki and I decided to walk to the fishmonger on Essex Road. The sun was shining, but it was very cold. I queued at the butcher's, and the cheesemonger, while Aki joined a particularly long queue at Steve Hatt's. By the time I got home, I couldn't feel my fingers, and my knees had frozen!

Ma and pa successfully made it to the GP today for the first of their Covid jabs. 

Aki spent most of the afternoon preparing our special Japanese New Year menu, while I did a bit of work on the computer, so I could put my timesheets in before the year was out. 

Ate sumptuously, and cracked open the champagne, then watched a bit of telly. Goodbye 2020, and good riddance!

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