Saturday 16 January 2021

Saturday 16th January 2021

Woke at 6.30am in anticipation of a Waitrose delivery between 7.00 and 8.00am! Bit of a shock to the system. It was snowing, but too wet to stick around.

After breakfasting, we drove to Essex Road to get supplies from the fishmonger, and the butcher. 

Got a phone call from Andy Garratt this afternoon, much to my surprise. He wanted some inspections doing in London, but I don't have the capacity to help out this month. 

Aki fried up a large fresh mackerel for dinner, and we watched Spike Lee's heavy-handed Da 5 Bloods. Best bit was footage of Muhammed Ali at the top of the film, asking why he should go fight the Vietnamese, who had never done anything to him...he deftly identified the enemy to be white Americans who had enslaved his ancestors and deprived them of their nationalities. What a man...!!!

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