Saturday 9 January 2021

Friday 8th January 2021

More funny dreams last night, though can't quite remember the sequence/narrative. I can recall preparing goods for sale at an open air speciality seemed to be sponge cakes, sliced in half horizontally, laid in a baking tray and covered with custard! Retired for the night to a mattress in a warehouse, shared with numerous other market traders, prior to opening the following morning. I rose at dawn to use the loo, and found myself in a long queue that snaked down a grassy bank toward a building by a canal. I gave up waiting, and took a walk along the canal, passing a three-storey apartment building; on looking up, I saw Jim Lister on a balcony waving at me, and I asked if I could use his facilities. Katherine met me at the communal front door and let me in...

FaceTimed mum...wanted to see the snow that had fallen in the early hours. The back garden looks to have had a generous covering.

Popped out late afternoon for our constitutional, via the greengrocer in Stroud Green Road, and TescoExpress. FaceTimed Kath when we got back...she'd been working overnight looking after Muriel. Called Nigel, but he was on another line, so caught up with Julie. She said Nigel has almost fully recovered from the virus, though he's now having problems with his liver.

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