Thursday 21 January 2021

Thursday 21st January 2021

Slow start this morning. Worked from home, as I have a lunchtime appointment with Ear Nose & Throat. Pottered away at some work on the computer, but couldn't raise much enthusiasm for the chore. 

Aki and I had soup for lunch, which I had to swallow fast in order to set off in good time for Hornsey Rise. Walked it in record time. I donned face masks and face shield before I went in. The face shield kept steaming up, so I couldn't see...! Dr. Asma looked well...she had apparently suffered a bout of Covid-19 last year, but seems fully recovered. She did a good job on my ears, but couldn't quite get everything out of the right ear...there's wax on the ear drum. They are both enflamed with eczema, so she prescribed some spray. I walked home via TescoExpress.

Book Club zoom meeting this evening. Everybody turned up. Generally, despite it's subject matter, Will & Testament seemed to go down well, though I found it a bit of a none event narratively. Katherine stated that she didn't think it particularly well crafted as a novel, and this hit the nail on the head for me. Surprisingly, Gareth thought it a rollicking good read! We chose a poetic Irish novel for our next read.

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