Monday 4 January 2021

Monday 4th January 2021

Dreamt I was opening a show for Graham Fellows in some enormous theatre. It was packed. I ventured into the Green Room to make something to eat, then realised I was going to be late for my cue. Came out into the auditorium and bumped into the Stage Manager, who seemed to be Lennox Greaves, and he complained that I'd set the grill on fire, but he led me down to stage level where everyone was waiting impatiently for my arrival. By way of apology, I bought Graham a bag of chips for 50p, after the show.

Ventured out into Covidland late morning to buy some stationery from the shop on Holloway Road, and got a few bits and pieces in Waitrose. The Asian guys in the stationery shop wanted a wee chat, asking me whether I was working from home. 

Started reading V.S.Naipaul's "A House for Mr Biswas" this afternoon, having finished the rather grim Book Club choice, "Will and Testament". 

Cooked an odd evening meal of baked cauliflower and cabbage, with cheese and pancetta, to mark the start of my low carb/no carb January diet. See how things pan out!

Boris announced that the country is to go into full lockdown mode once more as of midnight tonight!!! So it's back to watching livestreams from Ronnie Scott's...

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