Tuesday 5 January 2021

Tuesday 5th January 2021

Aki up early, as she had to drive up to Finchley for a site visit. The site had been broken into last night, but nothing taken, as the alarm had frightened them off. I cleaned the bathroom, and got under the kitchen sink to see if I could stop the leak...I failed.

Savills are apparently classed an essential business, much to my bemusement, which means we can carry on with external inspections, so no furlough for me this time around.

Richard Willis posted on FB that he is still in hospital on oxygen...he's been there almost two weeks. The good news is that his missus has been discharged, but he reports that there are six beds in his dorm, and he has seen four of his fellow inpatients pass away. Scary situation out there, as the hospitals sink beneath the sheer weight of demand. Richard recommends buying an oximeter...I ordered one from Amazon! Our evening's TV viewing was interrupted by some scratching sounds in the ceiling below Lynne's kitchen floor. I think we have a mouse! Went up to Lynne's flat and sprayed some mint repellant about in her kitchen, but I doubt it'll do much good. 

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