Saturday 5 June 2021

Saturday 5th June 2021

Pretty good night's sleep, all things considered. Aki cut my hair after breakfast, and we prepared to head for Pinner for lunch at Tokiko's pad. She served up a Mediterranean sardine and tomato with onion and breadcrumbs, followed by a seafood and chorizo paella...we supplied the burnt Basque cheesecake and liquorice sauce. Very tasty. Watched Nadal marmelise Cameron Norrie, then went for a short walk up to Tok's tennis club and sat and watched for a bit in the early evening sunshine. Drove home in time for Federer's night match against an unknown German lad, but although it was a fascinating game, we struggled to stay awake to see it out, having eaten way too much!!! No spasms so far, much to my relief. Aki gave me a bit of a massage. 

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