Sunday 27 June 2021

Sunday 27th June 2021

Slept well, but could have stayed in bed all morning. Slow start. Cooked up brunch around noon...included fried polenta, and Aki's tortilla, left overs from during the week. Jim Lister phoned from his car...he was driving down to Southwell to see his mum and dad. He goes once a week to cook them their dinner. Don't know what they eat for the rest of the week! He said Barney is doing very well, and recommended a couple of new releases he's been involved in, which I downloaded onto Apple Music. Really like the Joy Crookes number. Ro has moved into a flat in Kensington, having started her job...with a charity of some description. I think her fella has another year at Newcastle Uni to complete. FaceTimed ma and pa, who looked in good has had a hunch removed from his back...well, a growth...sounded as though his specialist thought it benign. Aki fried up gyoza for dinner, eaten with rice, aubergines and pak choi. Watched some footy...happy to see the Portuguese go out at the hands of Les Belgiques. Les got the all important winner! Some heavy downpours this evening...hope the roof holds out!

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