Saturday 12 June 2021

Saturday 12th June 2021

Woke around 0700 so got up and made a mug of tea, then did some work at the computer. Once Aki was up, we decided we ought to head for Waitrose, as the cupboards were bare. Got back in good time for lunch, then sat in front of the telly to watch the Women's Final from Roland Garros, It was a rather dull affair after the pyrotechnics of the Nadal v Djockovich game yesterday, so I kept switching over to see how Wales were doing in their opening Euro game against Switzerland...the game looked equally dull, to be honest. The early evening game between Denmark and Finland produced a shocking moment when Christan Ericson collapsed on the pitch just before half time. It was clear straight away that things were bad, as he didn't seem to respond, and was soon surrounded by medics with defibrillators. His team mates looked on distraught, and the fans on the terraces could barely watch. I really thought he had died, but it was later revealed that he had come round as he was being carried off the pitch, and was awake in hospital undergoing tests. It was a very distressing 15 minutes or so! Once the good news was confirmed, the players decided to continue the game after a 90 minute hiatus...and Denmark lost 1-0...

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