Friday 11 June 2021

Thursday 10th June 2021

Checked out of the hotel, and headed south-westward toward Thetford and Mildenhall. Stopped at Waitrose in Wymondham for lunch supplies. Had our lunch by the river in Ely. Busy with boats and paddle-boarders, and watched the swans while eating our sandwiches. Aki feeling weary...she spent most of the drive asleep in the passenger seat. She is having a bit of trouble with back pain today...may be brought on by the mattress in the hotel. But she had to take over for the final leg back to London, as I had a major episode on the A428...luckily I was able to pull in to a handy layby, otherwise I dread to think what might have happened! I hope the van driver parked in front of us didn't hear me screaming! 

Got home around 1800 and swallowed some pasta and leftover mushroom and anchovy sauce, which had been fermenting in the fridge. Headed up the road to Gareth's at No.120 for the book club meet in his back garden. Great to see everyone, and we had a good laugh and enjoyed some nibbles and tea. A Paul Auster novel, Man in the Dark, was chosen for the next read. 

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