Sunday 20 June 2021

Sunday 20th June 2021

Slept pretty well. Got up after Aki had left for the rowing club. Did a bit of work at the computer until brunchtime. Aki ate at the club. FaceTimed Kath, who was in Jim and Karen's back garden marking Father's Day. John and Margaret were enjoying the sunshine. Popped out to Tesco to get milk for tea before the Wales v Italy game kicked off. Wales just about held on after having Ampadou sent off. Got them through to the last 16. Aki baked trout for dinner, and made Domino dauphinoise! Very nice! Watched Together, with James McAvoy...a very direct addressing of the lockdown situation we've all been through; and a succinct critique of our government's handling of the whole thing. Everyone needs to see it...

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