Saturday 5 June 2021

Friday 4th June 2021

Bad night's sleep. Pain had me out of bed at 0130, and again at 0430. Once pain had subsided I did a couple of hours work in the hope that i would nod off again.  The 0915 attack was the most painful yet....thought I was going to faint. By this time Aki had gone to the Rowing Club, so no-one heard me scream. Lynne presumably not upstairs, as she would have called the sounded like I was being horribly murdered. Spent most of the rest of the day watching tennis, dreading the next attack, which duly arrived around 1715! Aki looked a bit shocked afterward. She cooked dinner, and I lay about on the floor. Not sure what to do going forward...need to get things moving once the MRI scan done. Aki has been reading up on cervical ridiculopathy (sic) and reckons it'll calm down of it's own volition after two or three months. I hope she's right!!!

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