Thursday 24 June 2021

Thursday 24th June 2021

Woke to the alarm at 0800. Got up as I had an ENT appointment this morning. Walked up Hornsey Rise to the Health Centre for a 1000 appointment. Asma was a bit slow off the mark this morning, and kept me waiting for almost half an hour. She gave the lugs a quick clean, and I was on my way. Walked back down the hill, popping in to Big Jo's for a loaf. Listened in to Aki's zoom call with her financial adviser...don't know what to make of it all, really...she's told him she's after raising £18,000 a year, including state pension, but his annual fee is £1,600....that's like 10% of annual income going elsewhere!!! I suppose the premise is that he makes her pension fund work much harder, so the gains outweigh the losses. Heated up some soup for a packed lunch and drove off to Upper Norwood to do some inspections. Drove through the Congestion Charge zone, so very slow going. The roads are clogged up something terrible these days. Got back around 1630. Aki wasn't in...she'd cycled in to town to get supplies from the Japanese shop off Regent Street, and got caught in the rain on her way home. Watched prison drama "Time" after dinner. Best thing Sean Bean's done...and Stephen Graham is brilliant in it too...but it's a tense watch!!!

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