Thursday 10 June 2021

Monday 7th June 2021

Long day on the road today. Set off around 0800, Aki driving us to Haverhill and the first inspection point, via a stop off at Birchanger Green on the M11. Stopped and had our lunch in the Tesco car park at Bury Saint Edmunds. Bit off a bit more than we could chew. Wanted to take in inspections down toward Ipswich before heading for our hotel in Yoxford, but ran out of time. Got to the hotel around 1830 after driving 200 miles. Three star country house boutique hotel. 

Looked the part externally, but a bit tatty round the edges inside. Had booked a table for 1900, and enjoyed steak and chips. Started to get some spasming in my left arm, so decided to skip dessert and retire to our room. Aki jumped in the bath, and we watched a bit of tennis, before collapsing into bed. 

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