Tuesday 22 June 2021

Tuesday 22nd June 2021

Woke around 0830. Worked at the computer all day. Kath FaceTimed us to suggest we book tickets for the Mega Dub Fest at Alnwick Castle for my birthday...Jim and Karen going in their VW camper van, so it might be worth a look. Aki recommended hanging fire to see what the weather forecast is going to be. Broke for lunch...Aki made a salad which we had with smoked mackerel and poached eggs. Felt surprisingly cold in the flat today, bearing in mind we just moved into summer...Aki says that, apparently, the temperature at the summer solstice yesterday was lower than at the winter solstice! What's going on? Aki cooked up a ham for dinner with potatoes, vegetables, and a light mustard sauce, then we settled in for the England v Czech Republic game. Good first half, with Saka and Grealish taking centre stage. Second half was rather dull, but we eked out a 1-0 win and finished top of the group. Bigger test to come in the next round!

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