Friday 11 June 2021

Friday 11th June 2021

Slept well. Woke about 0730, so got up and gulped down a pint of tea, then did some work. A lot of photos to name and upload. Aki still having back problems, so opted to give rowing a miss. A pity, as it was nice weather for it. Took a long lunch break,  but got back to the grindstone this afternoon, whilst ear-wigging the Tsitsipas v Zverev match. Watched the final set. Aki baked some salmon for dinner, with rice, vegetables, and miso soup. Joined the Pandemic Players for a reading of a great little 15 minute piece called "Gone". Hope Ray managed to record it this time. Good fun. Watched the incredible Nadal v Djockovich match...the third set in particular was superhuman! Nadal faded as his various long term injuries caught up with him, and he finally bowed out in front of a roaring crowd. Extraordinary stuff!!!

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