Saturday 19 June 2021

Saturday 19th June 2021

Slow start this morning. Enjoyed Johnny Flynn on Saturday Live. Had arranged to meet Tony, who was to be stopping over at Katrina's tonight, but Tony rang to say he'd cocked up his diary, and needed to work this evening, so re-arranged by booking a table at a small restaurant in Stoke Newington this afternoon for a very late lunch. Did a couple of hours work before driving over there. Pleasant meal, though it was a bit cold in the venue with door open...summer seems to have evaporated. Tony looking well. His years of yoga tuition have certainly paid off. Katrina due to travel north to the Isle of Bute for a wee holiday. Said our farewells to Tony outside the restaurant in Church Street, and drove Katrina back to Ickborough Road for a cuppa and a chat. It was gone 2100 by the time we got home. Watched Paul Weller compilation on telly before bath and bed.

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