Monday 14 June 2021

Monday 14th June 2021

Woke around 0700 so got up and did some work for awhile. Aki cycled off to the butchers to get some chicken and chorizo sausages for tonight's dinner. Glorious day! After lunch, jumped in the motor and Aki drove us to Hornchurch. Roads very busy...lots of hold ups. Aki dropped me off at the Health Centre in Hornchurch, and drove off to Yuki's for a catch up. My MRI scan went without a hitch. I was worrying that I'd have an attack in my left arm whilst inside the tube, but got out without incurring any disasters. Aki picked me up, and we returned to Yuki's for a wee chat in the back garden. Steve had been very unwell...sort of long covid-like symptoms, though he hasn't had covid, to his knowledge! He recently tested awaiting more tests, as the doctors haven't managed to diagnose anything. Briefly saw Neo...he's now working full time, and has really grown up into a fine looking chap. We were disappointed to hear he no longer plays much tennis. I drove us back home. Got in after 1900, and cooked up the chicken dinner. Kath FaceTimed us. Said she'd been over to Jim and Karen's for a social do; and that there had been a mass brawl in the street behind her house...the police had to come and break it up! Watched the rather dull Spain v Sweden game before bath and bed.

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