Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Tuesday 20th February 2024

Alarm at 0730. I got up and made tea, repairing to bed to read another chapter of Edna O'Brien before rising and porridging. We made our packed lunches, and Aki cycled off to Southwark Crown Court. I headed eastward, stopping off to grab a coffee at Pret a Manger in Tottenham Hale, before driving up the M11, and the A120, to Braintree. Had inspections in a number of outlying villages, then it was back to Braintree, lunching in the Tesco car park there, listening to The Goons on R4Xtra. Drove southward to Witham, and ended the day in Vange, Basildon...found myself driving past the block of flats I used to live in back in 1981...Ryedene... can't recall the flat no. It hasn't aged particularly well. I think it must have been fairly new when I moved in! Drove home via the A13. Got in around 1730. Aki was back, the case having been adjourned at 1600. She cooked a cavolo nero pesto sauce to have with some pasta for dinner. We had banana and custard for dessert. Watched "Boarders", a drama following the ups and downs of five black kids who gain scholarships at an elite English Private School...cracking young cast, but the storyline's are a bit predictable. Early bath and bed...

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