Monday 5 February 2024

Monday 5th February 2024

Alarm at up about 0830. Made tea, and porridged at the computer. Slung a packed lunch together, and headed east. Inspections in Leytonstone, Wanstead, and Walthamstow. Stopped off at Tesco in Leytonstone and ate my lunch in the car in the car park. Got home around 1730. News from Darras is that dad's foot appears to be getting better, so they decided to hold fire on a hospital visit. Aki cooked a spelt mushroom risotto for dinner. Nowt much on the telly, save for endless news coverage of King Charles's cancer'd have been forgiven for thinking he was breathing his last! Read some Edna O'Brien...lovely, gentle, bucolic creativity, with an undertow of tragedy just beneath the surface. Early bath and bed...

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