Saturday 3 February 2024

Friday 2nd February 2024

Woke at 0930 feeling not very refreshed, it has to be said. Got up and porridged, and put together a packed lunch to take on today's travels. Kath texted to say they had managed to get an earlier appointment with the GP to have a look at dad's foot, which was encouraging. Drove eastward to pick up the remaining inspections in Tottenham, stopping off at Sainsburys in Manor House on the way. Managed to get in to another 3 properties, but slow going. Broke for a late lunch in the car in the car park at Tottenham Hale Retail Park. Phoned ma and pa...he'd been sent home with a course of antibiotics; if things don't improve by Monday, he's advised to go to hospital. He sounded in good form, though, so hopefully he's on the mend. Drove home in the gloaming. Aki cooked a chicken tagine for dinner. FaceTimed Kath, who was enjoying a well deserved day off; and FaceTimed Jim in Holmfirth to suggest he and Kath stop over for a few nights in March. See what happens. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed…

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