Sunday, 18 February 2024

Sunday 18th February 2024

Woke around 0830. Aki got up and made tea. I read some Edna O'Brien in bed before rising to cook brunch. Did some ironing before venturing out for lunch at Eglal's pop-up above Nags Head Market. Sonya turned up, as well as Jane and Carlos from No.36, and Katherine and George from No.127. Eglal served up a variety of dishes, which kept on coming...she was plugging in to her Egyptian heritage, rather than her Italian, which she does, of course, down the road at Girasole. We really enjoyed it. She's planning a joint venture with Pierro from the Cucina opposite, putting on a Supper Club in March, and we all vowed to try and be there. Walked back home to pick up the guitar and mandolin, then wandered up to the North Nineteen for our monthly folk band rehearsal. Eight of us turned up, and we ran through some new Irish tunes that George fancied doing, as well as the usual Scottish tunes. Sonya sang the Eriksay Love Lilt. 

Finished at 1800 and walked back down the road with Ben, Katherine, and George. Ben promised to send me a couple of Cajun tunes to learn. We had eaten rather too much to set about cooking dinner. Ate cheese and peanut butter on toast instead, followed by a piece of fruit. Watched a bit of telly. Found an interesting documentary which explored the brief but bright career of girl punk band, The Slits, which featured Viv, who now lives around the corner. Early bath and bed, as Aki has to get up tomorrow morning in time to cycle off to Southwark for jury service!

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