Sunday 4 February 2024

Sunday 4th February 2024

Languished in bed until 0930ish…got up and cooked breakfast. Haggis and eggs, with a mildly spicy tomato sauce. Spent about three hours wandering up and down a ladder, screwing new fixings into the frontage and inserting galvanised garden wire in the hope of creating a stronger frame for the wisteria. My work was slowed somewhat by having to get down and chat to various neighbours at regular intervals. Finished around 1530 and had some peanut butter on toast and a cuppa. FaceTimed ma and pa. Dad’s foot not looking quite as angry as it did on Friday, but still very swollen. He’s intending to phone 111 tomorrow morning if things remain the same. Kath on hand to ferry him about. Listened to Arsenal v Liverpool on R5. Finished “A Thousand Moons”…very good…surprised it hasn’t been turned into a movie. Started “The Country Girls”, Edna O’Brien’s notorious first novel. Warmed up the last of the chicken tagine for dinner, followed by chocolate brownie and a dollop of yoghurt for afters. Booked our flights and hotel for the trip to Lisbon in reasonably priced flights from Luton...result! Bath and bed...

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