Saturday 3 February 2024

Saturday 3rd February 2024

Woke around 0900. Read in bed for a while. Eventually got up and cooked breakfast…fried haggis with poached egg and mushrooms. We walked the ladder out front so Aki could prune the wisteria. I went round to the DIY shop to get some turnbuckles and galvanised wire to strengthen the climbing frame. Peanut butter on toast before walking to the Picturehouse in Finsbury Park to see Poor Things, the new Emma Stone/Mark Ruffalo movie, a fantastical feminist polemic with steampunk aesthetics which failed to fire my imagination…Willie Wanker & the Sex Factory might have been a better title! Very disappointing. Came home and warmed up the last of the fish curry for dinner. Watched Duncan Jones' taught 90 minute movie, "Moon"...saw it ten years ago, but had forgotten the plot...nice, taught storytelling. Caught a bit of MOTD before bath and bed...

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