Thursday 8 February 2024

Thursday 8th February 2024

Got up around 0815. Worked at the computer with a mug of tea. Broke at 1000 and gobbled up a bowl of porridge, then we walked in the rain to Qi Gong at Gillespie Park. We were soaked by the time we got there...George from No.127 passed us on his bike as we crossed the railway bridge at the Emirates. Walked home afterward...still raining...Aki taking a detour to Waitrose. I put a packed lunch together and headed south-west for inspections in Fulham. Ate my lunch in the car on a street abutting Queen's Tennis Club. Drove on to Acton, where I spent most of the remainder of my working day. Managed to get into three units, so just need to get in to five tomorrow, fingers crossed. Drove home in heavy rain. Got in around 1830. Aki cooked a tasty carbonara for dinner, and we had lemon drizzle cake with yoghurt and berries for afters. I spent the rest of the evening working at the computer. Broke at 2130. Nowt on the telly. Read some Edna O'Brien. Early bath and bed...

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