Monday 12 February 2024

Saturday 10th February 2024

Fitful night's bad hernia repair seemed to be giving me some gip during the night. Aki had a bad night's sleep. Got up at 0845 and made her a mug of tea. Sat at the computer for a bit uploading yesterday's photos. We trooped over to Waitrose after breakfast to do a shop, and walked back heavily laden. Sat and read the paper for a while. Cooked a roast chicken dinner, with roast potatoes and parsnips. Chocolate brownie and yoghurt for afters. Watched "Scrapper" on the BFI Player, a British film set on a 60s era Council estate in Chingford...a perky script, great performances from a young cast of unknowns, and wonderfully quirky camera work...the editor deserves an award! 

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