Monday 12 February 2024

Monday 12th February 2024

Woke at 0845. Got up and made tea. Porridged at the computer, then slung a packed lunch together. Headed westward once more, taking in Ealing, Acton, where I stopped at Morrisons, Greenford, Northolt, and Yeading. Lunched in the car at the Rectory Park community football centre, watching some presumably youth team pros practising penalties. Then it was on to Hillingdon, and ended up in Slough. Turned for home, getting in around 1800. Aki had cooked a spinach lasagne, which we ate with peas, and I cooked a pear and walnut Eve's pudding, which I served up with custard. Did some more work at the computer after dinner, uploading today's photos and making some notes. Watched the highlights of the West Ham v Arsenal game on the iPlayer...the Gooners won 6-0, so thought we ought to give it the once over...bath and bed after the News.

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