Monday, 28 June 2021

Monday 28th June 2021

Aki up early to talk to Tokyo. Got up around 0830 and downed some tea before getting to work in front of the computer screen. Broke for lunch of Aki's homemade pea and ham soup, then booked somewhere to stay in Norwich...found a serviced apartment on Unthank Road which I booked for three nights. Aki opted to accompany me, and drove us up the M11. Got to the digs around 1730. Bought some odds and ends in Tesco, and dined on Aki's Goan fish curry, which she'd brought with us. Walked into the city centre to get our bearings, then back to watch a bit of Andy Murray at Wimbledon, and some cracking footy...France knocked out by the Swiss on penalties!

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Sunday 27th June 2021

Slept well, but could have stayed in bed all morning. Slow start. Cooked up brunch around noon...included fried polenta, and Aki's tortilla, left overs from during the week. Jim Lister phoned from his car...he was driving down to Southwell to see his mum and dad. He goes once a week to cook them their dinner. Don't know what they eat for the rest of the week! He said Barney is doing very well, and recommended a couple of new releases he's been involved in, which I downloaded onto Apple Music. Really like the Joy Crookes number. Ro has moved into a flat in Kensington, having started her job...with a charity of some description. I think her fella has another year at Newcastle Uni to complete. FaceTimed ma and pa, who looked in good has had a hunch removed from his back...well, a growth...sounded as though his specialist thought it benign. Aki fried up gyoza for dinner, eaten with rice, aubergines and pak choi. Watched some footy...happy to see the Portuguese go out at the hands of Les Belgiques. Les got the all important winner! Some heavy downpours this evening...hope the roof holds out!

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Saturday 26th June 2021

Woke around 0830 and listened to Felicity Kendall on Saturday Live...must watch "Shakespeare Wallah" again! We walked down to Upper Street for a mooch about and bought a couple of sarnies in Euphorium and found a bench in Highbury Fields to eat them. Had a meeting with a couple of local bobbies on the next-door neighbour's roof garden this afternoon. We wanted to express our concerns about the increased activities of the local drug dealers and users that now appear regularly on Sussex Way, but whether anything happens or not is a moot point. The young female bobby was a lady with very little brain...didn't inspire much confidence. Watched Wales go out of the Euros at the hands of an inspired Denmark team. Pleased to hear that Hopeless Hancock had finally resigned...about time, considering the actions that lead to his resignation happened in May!!! What a bunch! Being honest with the public!?! They're having a laugh!!!

Friday, 25 June 2021

Friday 25th June 2021

Somewhat disturbed night's sleep...dull ache in my left  arm, and numbness in both hands and feet. Aki up early to head for the rowing club on her bike. I walked up to Big Jo's and bought a slice of babka to have with my morning coffee. Managed 7 hours in front of the computer screen. Broke for lunch when Aki got back. Felt very weary by late afternoon, and gave up the computer for the sofa. Aki cooked up a Goan fish curry for dinner. Watched ep2 of Time, then dipped into some of this weekend's Glastonbury highlights from yesteryear. 

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Thursday 24th June 2021

Woke to the alarm at 0800. Got up as I had an ENT appointment this morning. Walked up Hornsey Rise to the Health Centre for a 1000 appointment. Asma was a bit slow off the mark this morning, and kept me waiting for almost half an hour. She gave the lugs a quick clean, and I was on my way. Walked back down the hill, popping in to Big Jo's for a loaf. Listened in to Aki's zoom call with her financial adviser...don't know what to make of it all, really...she's told him she's after raising £18,000 a year, including state pension, but his annual fee is £1,600....that's like 10% of annual income going elsewhere!!! I suppose the premise is that he makes her pension fund work much harder, so the gains outweigh the losses. Heated up some soup for a packed lunch and drove off to Upper Norwood to do some inspections. Drove through the Congestion Charge zone, so very slow going. The roads are clogged up something terrible these days. Got back around 1630. Aki wasn't in...she'd cycled in to town to get supplies from the Japanese shop off Regent Street, and got caught in the rain on her way home. Watched prison drama "Time" after dinner. Best thing Sean Bean's done...and Stephen Graham is brilliant in it too...but it's a tense watch!!!

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Wednesday 23rd June 2021

Woke around 0730. Aki up early to prepare for a morning at the Rowing Club. Spent the morning at the computer. Started having a series of short sharp pains in the left arm around lunchtime, so decided to abandon plans to drive to Norwood to do some inspections. Aki came back and we made some lunch. Pain calmed down after lunch. so got back to work. Had the tennis and the football on in the background. Aki made a bunch of tapas for dinner...tortilla, chorizo and bean stew, stuffed mushroom, amongst others. Very tasty. Watched the France v Portugal game. Hungary almost knocked Germany out, but a draw meant they finished second, and will be England's next opponents in the knock out stage!

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Tuesday 22nd June 2021

Woke around 0830. Worked at the computer all day. Kath FaceTimed us to suggest we book tickets for the Mega Dub Fest at Alnwick Castle for my birthday...Jim and Karen going in their VW camper van, so it might be worth a look. Aki recommended hanging fire to see what the weather forecast is going to be. Broke for lunch...Aki made a salad which we had with smoked mackerel and poached eggs. Felt surprisingly cold in the flat today, bearing in mind we just moved into summer...Aki says that, apparently, the temperature at the summer solstice yesterday was lower than at the winter solstice! What's going on? Aki cooked up a ham for dinner with potatoes, vegetables, and a light mustard sauce, then we settled in for the England v Czech Republic game. Good first half, with Saka and Grealish taking centre stage. Second half was rather dull, but we eked out a 1-0 win and finished top of the group. Bigger test to come in the next round!

Monday, 21 June 2021

Monday 21st June 2021

Raining again. Got up at 0900 and downed a pint of tea before my 1000 video call appointment with the physiotherapy team. Basically just an initial consultation, and she arranged a follow up face-to-face appointment for 5th July. Drove to Waitrose and did a big shop. Tennis from Eastbourne rained off. Watched some football. A one second episode in my left arm reminded me there was a prescription for painkillers to collect, so I popped over the road to the pharmacy. Another episode when I got back! Aki made pasta which we had with chicken and aubergine. Enjoyed the Denmark v Russia game...loads of passion coming off the terraces in Copenhagen. They are Wales' next opponents...

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Sunday 20th June 2021

Slept pretty well. Got up after Aki had left for the rowing club. Did a bit of work at the computer until brunchtime. Aki ate at the club. FaceTimed Kath, who was in Jim and Karen's back garden marking Father's Day. John and Margaret were enjoying the sunshine. Popped out to Tesco to get milk for tea before the Wales v Italy game kicked off. Wales just about held on after having Ampadou sent off. Got them through to the last 16. Aki baked trout for dinner, and made Domino dauphinoise! Very nice! Watched Together, with James McAvoy...a very direct addressing of the lockdown situation we've all been through; and a succinct critique of our government's handling of the whole thing. Everyone needs to see it...

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Saturday 19th June 2021

Slow start this morning. Enjoyed Johnny Flynn on Saturday Live. Had arranged to meet Tony, who was to be stopping over at Katrina's tonight, but Tony rang to say he'd cocked up his diary, and needed to work this evening, so re-arranged by booking a table at a small restaurant in Stoke Newington this afternoon for a very late lunch. Did a couple of hours work before driving over there. Pleasant meal, though it was a bit cold in the venue with door open...summer seems to have evaporated. Tony looking well. His years of yoga tuition have certainly paid off. Katrina due to travel north to the Isle of Bute for a wee holiday. Said our farewells to Tony outside the restaurant in Church Street, and drove Katrina back to Ickborough Road for a cuppa and a chat. It was gone 2100 by the time we got home. Watched Paul Weller compilation on telly before bath and bed.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Friday 18th June 2021


Woke around 0800...had been raining all night, and rained for most of the day. Back to work in front of the computer screen. Chipped away at it for most of the day. Rain delayed play at Queens...Dan Evans failed to get past Berrettini. Spoke to the surgery and got my MRI scan results...wear and tear, apparently. Need to follow up with a chat to Dr Scozzi, and booked in a telephone consultation for 28th June. Ordered a fresh supply of Amitriptyline. Belly pork and mashed potato for dinner, then we cleared the decks for the England v Scotland game. In the end it was something of a damp squib. Scotland were very organised and came to stifle any English flair. A nil-nil draw was a fair result in the end. 

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Thursday 17th June 2021

Got some pain in my left arm this morning, but very dull...maybe the painkillers are finally beginning to work! Another day at the coal face. Andy Murray went out at Queens, but there are three British players into the quarter-finals. Interesting warm up for Wimbledon. Watched the Denmark v Belgium game...Danes fired up by events surrounding Christian Ericsson, and came out of the blocks firing on all cylinders, but Belgium were too strong for them in the end. Made some pasta for dinner, with a mushroom and walnut sauce. Very muggy evening...storms forecast for tonight into tomorrow morning. 

Wednesday 16th June 2021

Up early and got in front of the computer with a mug of tea. Aki cycled off to Essex Road to visit the fishmonger. Sashimi for dinner. Watched some football before bath and bed.

Tuesday 15th June 2021

Woke up at 0730 and got up for a pint of tea. Did some work at the computer, and Aki got some washing on. Washing machine getting old...the washing comes out dirtier than it went in! Chipped away in front of the computer researching values on stock looked at in East Anglia last week. Dipped into some tennis from Queens this afternoon, as Andy Murray took the stage. Watched football this evening before bath and bed.

Monday, 14 June 2021

Monday 14th June 2021

Woke around 0700 so got up and did some work for awhile. Aki cycled off to the butchers to get some chicken and chorizo sausages for tonight's dinner. Glorious day! After lunch, jumped in the motor and Aki drove us to Hornchurch. Roads very busy...lots of hold ups. Aki dropped me off at the Health Centre in Hornchurch, and drove off to Yuki's for a catch up. My MRI scan went without a hitch. I was worrying that I'd have an attack in my left arm whilst inside the tube, but got out without incurring any disasters. Aki picked me up, and we returned to Yuki's for a wee chat in the back garden. Steve had been very unwell...sort of long covid-like symptoms, though he hasn't had covid, to his knowledge! He recently tested awaiting more tests, as the doctors haven't managed to diagnose anything. Briefly saw Neo...he's now working full time, and has really grown up into a fine looking chap. We were disappointed to hear he no longer plays much tennis. I drove us back home. Got in after 1900, and cooked up the chicken dinner. Kath FaceTimed us. Said she'd been over to Jim and Karen's for a social do; and that there had been a mass brawl in the street behind her house...the police had to come and break it up! Watched the rather dull Spain v Sweden game before bath and bed.

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Sunday 13th June 2021

Decent night's sleep. Got up around 0730. Sun was up, and weather warm, so decided to take a walk up to Waterlow Park for a light lunch, and popped in to M&S on the way back down the hill. Got back in time for the England v Croatia game...Aki had the men's tennis final on, so I hovered between the two. England looked great for the first 20 minutes, then slowed, but managed to eke out a 1-0 win. Meanwhile, Novak came from two sets down to take the crown from Nadal, beating Tsitsipas over five sets. FaceTimed ma and pa, who looked in fine fettle. They've got Kath coming round for her dinner this evening. Cooked up some deep fried crumbed aubergine on a bed of red peppers and fennel for dinner....a lot of faff! Tasted OK, but not sure I'll go to the bother again. Watched the Netherlands beat Ukraine 3-2...couple of cracking goals from the Ukrainians...shame they couldn't hold on. 

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Saturday 12th June 2021

Woke around 0700 so got up and made a mug of tea, then did some work at the computer. Once Aki was up, we decided we ought to head for Waitrose, as the cupboards were bare. Got back in good time for lunch, then sat in front of the telly to watch the Women's Final from Roland Garros, It was a rather dull affair after the pyrotechnics of the Nadal v Djockovich game yesterday, so I kept switching over to see how Wales were doing in their opening Euro game against Switzerland...the game looked equally dull, to be honest. The early evening game between Denmark and Finland produced a shocking moment when Christan Ericson collapsed on the pitch just before half time. It was clear straight away that things were bad, as he didn't seem to respond, and was soon surrounded by medics with defibrillators. His team mates looked on distraught, and the fans on the terraces could barely watch. I really thought he had died, but it was later revealed that he had come round as he was being carried off the pitch, and was awake in hospital undergoing tests. It was a very distressing 15 minutes or so! Once the good news was confirmed, the players decided to continue the game after a 90 minute hiatus...and Denmark lost 1-0...

Friday, 11 June 2021

Friday 11th June 2021

Slept well. Woke about 0730, so got up and gulped down a pint of tea, then did some work. A lot of photos to name and upload. Aki still having back problems, so opted to give rowing a miss. A pity, as it was nice weather for it. Took a long lunch break,  but got back to the grindstone this afternoon, whilst ear-wigging the Tsitsipas v Zverev match. Watched the final set. Aki baked some salmon for dinner, with rice, vegetables, and miso soup. Joined the Pandemic Players for a reading of a great little 15 minute piece called "Gone". Hope Ray managed to record it this time. Good fun. Watched the incredible Nadal v Djockovich match...the third set in particular was superhuman! Nadal faded as his various long term injuries caught up with him, and he finally bowed out in front of a roaring crowd. Extraordinary stuff!!!

Thursday 10th June 2021

Checked out of the hotel, and headed south-westward toward Thetford and Mildenhall. Stopped at Waitrose in Wymondham for lunch supplies. Had our lunch by the river in Ely. Busy with boats and paddle-boarders, and watched the swans while eating our sandwiches. Aki feeling weary...she spent most of the drive asleep in the passenger seat. She is having a bit of trouble with back pain today...may be brought on by the mattress in the hotel. But she had to take over for the final leg back to London, as I had a major episode on the A428...luckily I was able to pull in to a handy layby, otherwise I dread to think what might have happened! I hope the van driver parked in front of us didn't hear me screaming! 

Got home around 1800 and swallowed some pasta and leftover mushroom and anchovy sauce, which had been fermenting in the fridge. Headed up the road to Gareth's at No.120 for the book club meet in his back garden. Great to see everyone, and we had a good laugh and enjoyed some nibbles and tea. A Paul Auster novel, Man in the Dark, was chosen for the next read. 

Wednesday 9th June 2021

Decided to risk driving alone today so that Aki could have a day off and explore a bit of Norwich. I got off to an early start and made good progress, stopping off for a coffee in Mundesley on the north-east Norfolk coast. Glorious day! Had planned to find fish and chips somewhere Hunstanton way, but got through there a bit early, so delayed a lunch break. Then couldn't find anywhere until I got to a Costa drive through in Kings Lynn! Very late lunch. Drove back to Norwich via Dereham, Costessey, and Stoke Holy Cross. Had a couple of short sharp shocks to the left arm, but nothing untoward. Got back to the hotel around 1800 to find Aki back watching the tennis. She had visited the Sainsbury gallery, in a Norman Foster designed building on the University campus. She got treated to a one-to-one guided tour. Dinner at an old favourite of mine, Farmyard. We both had the stone bass, cooked in dill and vanilla, with asparagus, new potatoes with black garlic syrup, and cheesey leeks. We were suitably impressed. Made our escape before dessert became a temptation. Got back in time for more tennis before bedtime.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Tuesday 8th June 2021

Up early...Aki had breakfast downstairs while I packed the car. We headed off for another long day in the saddle, sharing the driving. Had to backtrack toward Ipswich first thing. Stopped off at M&S in Martlesham. Drove back northward. Lunched in a car park in a village to the south of Lowestoft, having failed to find a vehicular route to the sea front. Hot day. Drove up to Caister, then across toward Norwich. Got to the St Giles House Hotel around 1800. 

Their restaurant wasn't open, so I'd booked a table at The Ivy brasserie. I enjoyed my chicken milanese...and Aki had lemon sole. Like last night, my arm started to spasm a little, so we made a hasty retreat, and had a wee wander round the city centre. A lot of homeless addicts and alcoholics about. Watched a bit of tennis before showering and bed.

Monday 7th June 2021

Long day on the road today. Set off around 0800, Aki driving us to Haverhill and the first inspection point, via a stop off at Birchanger Green on the M11. Stopped and had our lunch in the Tesco car park at Bury Saint Edmunds. Bit off a bit more than we could chew. Wanted to take in inspections down toward Ipswich before heading for our hotel in Yoxford, but ran out of time. Got to the hotel around 1830 after driving 200 miles. Three star country house boutique hotel. 

Looked the part externally, but a bit tatty round the edges inside. Had booked a table for 1900, and enjoyed steak and chips. Started to get some spasming in my left arm, so decided to skip dessert and retire to our room. Aki jumped in the bath, and we watched a bit of tennis, before collapsing into bed. 

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Sunday 6th June 2021

Good night's sleep without mishap. Aki off early to Rowing Club. A short sharp spasm in my left arm had me leaping out of bed, but thankfully things got no worse. Stuck the tennis on and did some chores...ironed some stuff for next week's business trip to East Anglia. Aki back in time for brunch. FaceTimed ma and pa who seemed to be in good fettle. Ma complaining of pain in the neck, but we thought father was being quite well behaved today! Kath sent us video of Sally's wedding ceremony on the Isle of Wight. - very amusing. Aki then got stuck into her quota with the iron. 

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Saturday 5th June 2021

Pretty good night's sleep, all things considered. Aki cut my hair after breakfast, and we prepared to head for Pinner for lunch at Tokiko's pad. She served up a Mediterranean sardine and tomato with onion and breadcrumbs, followed by a seafood and chorizo paella...we supplied the burnt Basque cheesecake and liquorice sauce. Very tasty. Watched Nadal marmelise Cameron Norrie, then went for a short walk up to Tok's tennis club and sat and watched for a bit in the early evening sunshine. Drove home in time for Federer's night match against an unknown German lad, but although it was a fascinating game, we struggled to stay awake to see it out, having eaten way too much!!! No spasms so far, much to my relief. Aki gave me a bit of a massage. 

Friday 4th June 2021

Bad night's sleep. Pain had me out of bed at 0130, and again at 0430. Once pain had subsided I did a couple of hours work in the hope that i would nod off again.  The 0915 attack was the most painful yet....thought I was going to faint. By this time Aki had gone to the Rowing Club, so no-one heard me scream. Lynne presumably not upstairs, as she would have called the sounded like I was being horribly murdered. Spent most of the rest of the day watching tennis, dreading the next attack, which duly arrived around 1715! Aki looked a bit shocked afterward. She cooked dinner, and I lay about on the floor. Not sure what to do going forward...need to get things moving once the MRI scan done. Aki has been reading up on cervical ridiculopathy (sic) and reckons it'll calm down of it's own volition after two or three months. I hope she's right!!!

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Thursday 3rd June 2021

Spasms in left arm got me out of bed at 0130. Went on for about 20 minutes. Another bout at 0800. The medication has a slight deadening effect on the pain, but it still hurts like hell! Spasms on and off pretty much all day! Managed to do some work in between bouts of yelping, and watching a bit of tennis. Booked hotels for inspections in East Anglia next week....took ages! So much seems to be booked up, and my old haunts appear to have gone under during the pandemic!!! Tortellini and a tomato sauce for dinner. Watched Nadal demolish Gasquet...the guy is super human!

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Wednesday 2nd June 2021


Poor night's sleep....took ages to nod off, despite the Amitriptyline. Got up early and phoned Andy Garratt...who said he'd been up since 0600!!! Did some prep work for the East Anglia trip next week, then drove to Sutton and Wallington to look at a couple of sheltered schemes. Bumped into a Sutton Housing employee in the car park at the first stop, and he asked if I wanted to see inside...I said I'd be up for a quick look at an empty unit, hoping he'd say there weren't any, but he took me inside so I had to get my facemask on...he didn't sport one! Traffic appalling, especially on the way there through Camden, Marylebone, Regents Park and Hammersmith all the way to the crawl over Putney Bridge. Had my lunch in the car park at the Worcester Park scheme. Got home about 1730. Aki pan fried some fish for dinner, with celeriac three ways! Watched some tennis. Had several spasms in my left arm this evening...painful, but didn't go on for too long.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Tuesday 1st June 2021

Slept OK. Nice sunny summer's day in the offing. Couldn't raise the enthusiasm to drive to Sutton, so pootled about on the laptop for awhile...will drive down tomorrow. Decided to go out for lunch, so walked to Upper Street and had baked eggs and halloumi fries at Megan's. Lovely girls serving us, but utterly incompetent! Our drinks never arrived, so we made do with the carafe of tap water, then the fries arrived minus the eggs, so they had to take the fries back to keep warm while we waited for the baked eggs! The waitress took the mandatory tip off the bill. Lovely day to sit out waiting for your lunch, though. Popped into Waterstone's, and Aki bought a face mask from Reiss, and we walked back home via Budgens. Got home and had a brioche ice cream sandwich, then watched some tennis before I cooked up an aubergine and tomato curry for dinner. Watched some more tennis before bath and bed.