Friday, 6 September 2024

Thursday 5th September 2024

Woke around 0900 but dozed for half an hour or so before getting up to porridge. Read some Dickens at the dining table. Grey, damp day. Rehearsed some "Witch" tunes in the back bedroom. Walked over to Waitrose after lunch, but got caught in a heavy downpour...had to leg the last furlong or so. Bought some odds and ends, and some puff pastry for tonight's chicken and mushroom pie. I headed for home to do the prep, whilst Aki ventured on to Morrisons to get some juice, as Waitrose were out of stock. Pie came out well...I even managed to add some leaf shapes to the pie crust. Packed my guitar into it's carry case and drove over to Stoke Newington for band rehearsal at Tamara's flat. Matthew turned up with bass and amp in tow. Tamara's studio room was very hot...and we daren't open the window for fear of disturbing the neighbours! But we got through just about everything in a couple of need to start integrating the other musicians, and singers. Drove home for bath and bed...

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