Monday 2 September 2024

Saturday 31st August 2024

Woke gone 0900. Hauled myself out of bed and started packing before descending for breakfast with mum, dad and Kath. Dad had had a somewhat disturbed night’s sleep…the morphine not agreeing with him. He thought he was working on a pink taffeta dress, having to remove countless little sewn on letters, which were scattered at his feet. He’s decided he can live without the morphine! I showered and then put a rice pudding in the oven before taking a brisk walk down to the Co-op to replenish their milk supply. Back at High View, Jim and Emma showed up…I made lunch for us all, followed by rice pud…dad had two portions! Packed my stuff into the car, then made my farewells on the driveway, and headed for Holmfirth. Stopped off at Hartshead Moor. Got to Holmfirth just before 1800. Jim and Kath served up a strange 'fusion' for dinner...left over chicken curry, pork pie, quiche, potatoes, and broccoli...we washed it all down with a bottle of cava I'd purchased at the service station. Pudding was juiced blackberries with star anise, into which we dipped our Magnum ice creams. Repaired to the lounge to watch a 20 minute live film of Barney's band MRCY, filmed at the Mildmay Club, which funnily enough Aki and I have tickets for this coming Friday night. It's a classy little promotional short. Barney and Kojo have been interviewed by Guy Garvey, for transmission on his 6Music show tomorrow afternoon. Aki FaceTimed us, and I then phoned mum to see that all was well at High View. Got to bed around 2300...I was put up in Ro's room at the north end of the house.

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