Tuesday 24 September 2024

Monday 23rd September 2024

Woken at 0330 by the sound of heavy rain on the bedroom roof. Managed to nod back off again. Got up around 0900. Porridged. Kath FaceTimed from High View…dad seemed to have over-dosed on his medication, tipping into comic free-form monologue the gist of which escaped us. He’d written a letter of condolence to Beryl…hope it’s more cogent. Read some Farrell before warming the last of the minestrone soup for lunch. We ventured out for a constitutional to Highbury Fields, popping in to Waitrose on the way home. Looked in on Pierro at Nags Head Market and bought some tortelloni. Read some more and listened to some music…Barney’s flatmate Jack has brought out his debut single, Midnight…nice…reminds me of Bonnie Prince Billie. Warmed up the chick pea and aubergine stew for dinner, with vegetables and flat bread. Nowt on telly. Sat about strumming some guitar. Dipped into some YouTube clips…came across MRCY doing three numbers for WorldCafe…nice. Watched The Ten before bath and bed...

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