Sunday, 22 September 2024

Sunday 22nd September 2024

It rained heavily during the night. Woke around 0900. Spotted a large spider on the bedroom wall opposite our bed...he must have come inside to escape the weather! He's positioned too high for me to be able to get him with the spider trap. Got up and made tea, then cooked brunch. Aki feeling a bit under the weather. Did some guitar rehearsal ahead of this afternoon's group rehearsal. Drove over to Stoke Newington early to avoid the crowds coming out of the Emirates after the Arsenal Women's game. Parked up. Had some time to kill, so wandered about Stoke Newington High Street, and Church Street. Picked up a snack sized baguette in Pret. Got to Tamara’s at 1500, with Matthew right behind me…only to discover that we were both half-an-hour early and she had a cello pupil. We repaired to the living room and kept our voices down. Peter Werth, our drummer turned up bearing cakes, followed shortly after by Tom the sax player. Chatted in the living room…discovered that Peter is that Peter Werth who had a designer clothes business…it’s still going, though Peter himself bailed out about 15 years ago, selling the business to Phil Tufnell’s brother! We repaired to the little practice room and worked through most of the songs…Peter hadn’t brought any kit, he just wanted to familiarise himself with the tunes. Worked until about 1800…bit too late to pick Aki up from Haringey, where she was having a project meeting with Kearsey and Ciaran. Met up back home. Cooked mushroom and chicken pasta sauce for dinner. Watched Young Musician of the Year…some stunning talent on display! 

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