Monday, 30 September 2024

Sunday 29th September 2024

Woke with a sore throat at around 0530. Managed to nod back off. Aki up early to ready for Rowing Club...she brought me a mug of tea. Got up for brunch. Aki cycled off. Did some playing along to "Witch" backing tracks. Seems to be in pretty good shape with three weeks to go before get in. Plagued by bowel problem this morning. Took some Strigol, but it didn't have the desired effect, so took a more powerful dioctyl tablet. Aki lunched at the cafe...I wasn't hungry, so skipped lunch. Aki picked up a little shopping on her cycle home. I finally found some relief around 1800. Aki made a pumpkin and noodle soup for dinner, which I felt able to partake in. Watched a bit of telly, or read some Farrell until The News came on. Watched MOTD2....bath and bed.

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Saturday 28th September 2024

Woke around 0900. Made tea and got back into bed. Read some Farrell before getting up for brunch. Finished annotating Act Two of my Witch sheet music. Aki popped out to buy bread. I made a peach tarte tatin and stuck it in the oven. Phoned ma and pa…they seemed in good nick, though dad still unable to drive for another week or two. Masumi and Kiko turned up late, having had to cycle through the Arsenal football crowds. Kiko is now 6 years old...we hadn't seen her for about 4 years, I guess. She was a little shy at first...I greeted her in my chef's hat, and gave her a large glass of ginger cordial. Aki and Masumi caught up, largely in Japanese, while Kiko and myself played Subbuteo on the dining table. 

We broke for some peach tart and creme fraiche, before some ad hoc improvised music was struck up, with Kiko on ukulele, then kazoo, and finally, and probably much to the annoyance of the neighbours, on tin whistle...she played one note in varying rhythms! Then she got the Subbuteo out again, this time on the floor in front of the was a miracle no players got kneeled upon! Finally, she insisted on showing us some Super Mario stuff on YouTube, specifically a song growled by the monstrous Bowser...she sang along in a deep growl, and danced the movements! She's got a certain talent for performing and improvising...we encouraged her mum to bring her along to the Tower Theatre to see The Worst Witch at half-term. They left around 1830. Aki baked trout for dinner, with spelt and vegetables. Watched "Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter"...a strange film, the first half set in corporate Tokyo and following the ups and, mostly, downs of a depressed office girl who fancies the loot buried in the snows of Minnesota in the film "Fargo" is real, as the film states the narrative to be based on a true story. She flies out to Minnesota on the company credit card and begins a journey, largely on foot, through the snow-scape to find it. It was beautifully shot, but ultimately pointless.

Friday 27th September 2024

Woke around 0830 to the sound of rain hammering on the bedroom roof. Bit of a sore throat this morning. Got up and made tea…got back into bed to drink it. Aki reminded me that I’d diaried a guided walk around Joseph Grimaldi Park, so had to leap into action, porridge, and get dressed. We hopped on a No.91 bus to Pentonville, and rocked up at the meeting place on time. About a dozen of us turned up. The park was once the graveyard of St James’ episcopal church, but had been decommissioned in the 1850s. 

The church was mostly demolished in 1980 when Islington Council re-purposed the space as a public park. Joseph Grimaldi, being buried there, lent his name to the venture. The front of the church was retained, and a dull 80s era office block built behind it. The frontage boasts an 18th Century Coade stone (named for Eleanor Coade, who ran the business). We ended the walk near Joey’s grave, where we sang along to a rendition of Hot Codlin’, Joey’s theme tune apparently, a version recorded by the Worcester based Grimaldi Band, and played to us via a small portable speaker held by the guide. It was cold and wet, so we walked to Angel to find a hot coffee. Found a seat at Kipferl, an Alpine themed establishment, in Camden Passage…we decided to plumb for an early lunch, and shared a cheese omelette, and a slice of Mozart chocolate cake. Walked to Highbury Corner, with a stop for a browse in Waterstone’s. Caught a No.43 bus from Highbury Corner, getting off at Waitrose to buy some pastry for tomorrow’s visitors. Spent most of the rest of the afternoon going through The Witch script and noting the musical cues. Made a tomato and onion chutney…warmed up the chicken curry , which we ate with the chutney, rice and chick pea dal. Watched a programme mapping out the career of Maggie Smith, who died today aged 89…what a life!

Thursday 26th September 2024

Aki up to ready herself for a visit to the dentist. I dozed for a bit then rose for porridging. Aki cycled off...I repaired to the back bedroom to make a noise on my electric guitar. Aki back, having popped into Waitrose on her cycle home. I read some Dickens. Lunch. Aki at the computer for most of the afternoon. I researched guitar distortion pedals, and did a little rehearsing in the back bedroom. Warmed up some pizzaiola sauce for dinner, which I poured on top of some tortelloni, and added some vegetables and cheese. 

Caught a No.253 bus to Manor House, and from there hopped onto a No.141 heading south toward Green Lanes. Rocked up at the Scolts Head pub around 1945. Very busy establishment. We found the back room where Peter Werth and his jazz quintet were just starting up. Matthew and Tamara already there. Tom turned up about an hour later. The band were good, though the trumpet player was a bit all over the place…they specialise in 40s/50s era jazz standards…a bit of Monk, a bit of Parker, a bit of Timmons…and they were joined occasionally by a young female singer with a nice vocal tone. Peter came over to say hello in the interval, and introduced his wife, Amanda. There were a couple of grown up daughters in the room too. Altogether a very pleasant evening. We made our way home via the routes we had come…bath and bed.

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Fitful night's sleep for some reason. Dreamt I was having a meal out in a restaurant somewhere, and happened upon Geoff from Savills sat at a table. Got up around 0930. Porridged. Hauled the AER amp into the passenger seat of the car, and drove up Green Lanes to Winchmore Hill...traffic was dreadful. Took the best part of an hour to get there. Dropped the amp with Richard at Electrohill, and then popped into the nearby Sainsburys before driving home. Fried some tinned sardines for lunch with a side salad and toast. We walked to the Park Theatre to see a rehearsed reading of a new play, "Holy Fool", about Shostakovich and his battles to get his work performed under Stalin, and Krushchev. It was very well attended, being a free event. The theatre were evidently looking for feedback as the play was still in development. I thought it was excellent...compact, intelligent, funny, and ultimately very moving...all the major chords are in place, methinks. Walked home...luckily the rain kept away. Pork belly for dinner, with vegetables, lentils and beans. Watched the first episode of "Ludwig", starring David Mitchell...very funny. Particularly enjoyed the sight gag in the police car as Mitchell's character got covered in mints as his driver sped off to the scene of a crime. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Tuesday 24th September 2024

Woke around 0900...lay in bed until 1000. Porridged. Aki working at the computer. I read some some Farrell. Did some physio for my frozen shoulder. Marinated some chicken for dinner tonight, in yoghurt and turmeric. Lunched...made some caesar style beans, which we had on toast with poached egg on top. Walked to Finsbury Park station and caught a North London line train to Palmers Green. Walked north up Green Lanes, toward Winchmore Hill. Finally found Electrohill, run by a chap named Richard, who assured me he could take a look at my AER amp and remove the heavy batteries for me, and ensure that it worked via power supply cable only. I said I'd return tomorrow with the amp. Walked on up to Winchmore Hill station, and caught a train back to Finsbury Park. Walked to Morrisons and bought some odds and ends, and popped in to Rio's on the walk back home. Made a chicken curry for dinner, with rice, dal, and roti. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Monday 23rd September 2024

Woken at 0330 by the sound of heavy rain on the bedroom roof. Managed to nod back off again. Got up around 0900. Porridged. Kath FaceTimed from High View…dad seemed to have over-dosed on his medication, tipping into comic free-form monologue the gist of which escaped us. He’d written a letter of condolence to Beryl…hope it’s more cogent. Read some Farrell before warming the last of the minestrone soup for lunch. We ventured out for a constitutional to Highbury Fields, popping in to Waitrose on the way home. Looked in on Pierro at Nags Head Market and bought some tortelloni. Read some more and listened to some music…Barney’s flatmate Jack has brought out his debut single, Midnight…nice…reminds me of Bonnie Prince Billie. Warmed up the chick pea and aubergine stew for dinner, with vegetables and flat bread. Nowt on telly. Sat about strumming some guitar. Dipped into some YouTube clips…came across MRCY doing three numbers for WorldCafe…nice. Watched The Ten before bath and bed...

Sunday, 22 September 2024

Sunday 22nd September 2024

It rained heavily during the night. Woke around 0900. Spotted a large spider on the bedroom wall opposite our bed...he must have come inside to escape the weather! He's positioned too high for me to be able to get him with the spider trap. Got up and made tea, then cooked brunch. Aki feeling a bit under the weather. Did some guitar rehearsal ahead of this afternoon's group rehearsal. Drove over to Stoke Newington early to avoid the crowds coming out of the Emirates after the Arsenal Women's game. Parked up. Had some time to kill, so wandered about Stoke Newington High Street, and Church Street. Picked up a snack sized baguette in Pret. Got to Tamara’s at 1500, with Matthew right behind me…only to discover that we were both half-an-hour early and she had a cello pupil. We repaired to the living room and kept our voices down. Peter Werth, our drummer turned up bearing cakes, followed shortly after by Tom the sax player. Chatted in the living room…discovered that Peter is that Peter Werth who had a designer clothes business…it’s still going, though Peter himself bailed out about 15 years ago, selling the business to Phil Tufnell’s brother! We repaired to the little practice room and worked through most of the songs…Peter hadn’t brought any kit, he just wanted to familiarise himself with the tunes. Worked until about 1800…bit too late to pick Aki up from Haringey, where she was having a project meeting with Kearsey and Ciaran. Met up back home. Cooked mushroom and chicken pasta sauce for dinner. Watched Young Musician of the Year…some stunning talent on display! 

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Saturday 21st September 2024

Woke at 0915 feeling weary…my left shoulder a little pained after yesterday’s pushing and pulling by the physio. Had tea in bed and read some Farrell. Got up around 1100 for some brunch. Aki cycled down to the fishmonger on Essex Road, whilst I rehearsed some guitar. We walked round the corner afterward to catch a No.91 bus to The Aldwych. Walked onto Waterloo Bridge to catch sight of the Great Thames Boat Race...some 300 gigs, skiffs and whalers racing against the clock for 35km from Millwall to Richmond. Becky, one of Aki's mates at Lea Rowing Club, was manning one of the gigs. Aki stood on the west side of the bridge, while I took up a scouting position on the east side, looking out for Becky as the boats rounded the bend in the river, having gone under Blackfriars Bridge. 

I caught sight of her, and phoned Aki so that she could ready herself to get an action shot of Becky in the stroke seat as they exited Waterloo Bridge, heading for the Houses of Parliament. We walked along the Southbank to Borough Market, but got diverted by a new shopping development squeezed into the atmospheric railway arches just to the west of Borough Market. Nicely done. From there we wandered into Borough Market, bumping into our neighbour, Yukiko, and a couple of her Japanese pals at the cured meat counter. Bought some speck. Managed to catch a No.43 bus on London Bridge, and headed for home. Aki put together some salmon sashimi, with rice and omelette, and a miso soup, for dinner, followed by cheese, and cherry spoom. Got a call from cousin Lisa to say that Eddie had passed away today. He'd been ill for a couple of years, and she and Beryl had been looking after him at home. Phoned ma and pa...mum had already had the news from Lisa. Dad continues to improve...he's pretty much pain free now in the subject hip. Reckons he can get back behind the steering wheel in a couple of weeks or so! Watched a bit of telly. MOTD before bath and bed...

Friday 20th September 2024

Aki up early to prepare for Rowing Club. She cycled off as I got up. Porridged. Rehearsed some "Witch" tunes. Read some J G Farrell...the Book Club read. Very easy read...enjoying it so far. Aki back in time for minestrone soup. I walked round to the Health Centre on Hornsey Street for a session with the physio team...worked on my frozen shoulder, and gave me some exercises to do at home...booked me in for a follow-up in two weeks time. Walked the back streets, happening upon a little artisan bakery. Bought a they were just about to close, she gave me a Danish pastry gratis. Popped in at Waitrose on the way home. Made some cherry spoom, then cooked dinner…an aubergine and chick pea stew. Warmed the Danish pastry in the microwave, and had half each with a dollop of ice cream. Watched WILTY. Bath and bed after The Ten...

Friday, 20 September 2024

Thursday 19th September 2024

Woke around 0800. Dozed for a bit after Aki had gotten up, and read some Dickens in bed, before rising to porridge. Rehearsed "Give It Up" from The Witch...tricky timing on the opening couple of dozen bars or so, so keep having to experiment with different fret positions, which only adds to the confusion. Made some lunch before Aki had to go off to the dentist round the corner to have her retainer repaired. When she returned, we took a constitutional up Highgate Hill, and sat in Waterlow Park for a bit, before returning home via M&S. Warmed up a fish curry, served with dal, rice, and roti, followed by some Parisian cheese. Watched the final episode of The Zelensky Story...very moving. Early bath and bed...

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Wednesday 18th September 2024

Aki up early to ready herself for rowing club. She had cycled off by the time I got up at 0930. Porridged. Caught up with my blog. Rehearsed The Witching Hour in the back bedroom before Aki returned from lunch. Made minestrone soup using the excess sauce from the chicken cacciatore...yum! Managed some more guitar rehearsal after lunch, while Aki worked at the computer. Aki cooked a carbonara for dinner. Walked to Finsbury Park station and caught a train to Euston, making our way across the Euston Road, to The Place to see some dance. Had tickets for a Scottish Dance Theatre double-bill which had gotten good reviews during the Edinburgh Festival. Great seats toward the rear, but central. Really enjoyed the two pieces, Flock, and Moving Clouds. Fine young dancers, including a disabled dancer with a foreshortened left arm, and no hand...great to see her expressing herself so fluently. As we were exiting, Aki bumped into Gillian, and elder rowing club member, who I'd met at Piers's 80th birthday drinks. She must be mid-seventies...she rows, swims at London Fields Lido, and goes to dance classes at The Place! We followed her and her friend, a Scottish woman whose name we couldn't figure, to a local hostelry for a swift half. As we came out of the pub, we came across the dancers stood around the tabling on the pavement. Chatted with the disabled dancer, and a little Anglo-Japanese dancer, who was excellent in the pieces. He's off to Tokyo next month to dance in an opera, William Tell. We walked back to Kings Cross, and caught a No.259 bus home...bath and bed.

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Tuesday 17th September 2024

Aki up early to ready herself for a cycle ride to Camden for a work meeting. I languished in bed until about 0945. Got up and porridged. Aki had put some washing on before she cycled off, and I hung it out to dry in the back yard. Caught up with my blog, adding photos from our French trip. Aki back for lunch, having popped into Waitrose on her way home. Tried the cheeses we'd bought yesterday in Paris...very tasty! I went out for a walk after lunch, leaving Aki working at the computer. I wandered down to Highbury Fields and back in the sunshine...rather warmer outside than I'd anticipated. Popped into Waitrose to do a bit more shopping on the way home. Aki was in bed napping when I got in. Did half-an-hour's work on the songs in the first half of The Witch show, then prepared dinner, cooking up some lentils with onions and pancetta, to accompany the last of the chicken cacciatore I'd cooked last week. Watched a BBC interview with writer Hanif Kureishi, who is now in a wheelchair after blacking out and falling, breaking his neck and severing nerves that have lead him to be pretty well paralysed from the chest down. He was very engaging, looking back on his writing career and many successes, and his coming to terms with the fact that life was now going to be very different to how he'd imagined it, though he continues to write, in collaboration with his sons. It was an inspiring watch. Early bath before bed...

Monday 16th September 2024

Despite extreme fatigue, I had a somewhat fitful night’s sleep. Got up around 0900. Went out for breakfast at a nearby brasserie for the obligatory cafe au lait, and croissant. Wandered the back streets, ending up in a fromagerie, where we bought a couple of soft, one hard, but no record of the names on the packaging. Walked back to the hotel to check out and deposit our baggage. 

Caught a No.74 bus down to the Bourse de Commerce, and walked to Le Fumier, a restaurant where we had arranged to meet Aki's former Takenaka work colleague, Naomi, who had married a Frenchman and has been bringing up their two kids in south-western Paris. We had a great catch up. The food was very good...especially my seared tuna salad. We parted company with Naomi outside the old Samaritaine department store, which she recommended we go inside to inspect. It's a glorious 1920s edifice, with art noveau detailing. Walked back to the hotel via the Rue Fauborg. Picked up our baggage and caught a Ligne 7 tube train to Gare de L'est where we found another Guardian recommended eatery, La Ville de Provins. Indulged in some French onion soup, and a plate of mixed charcuterie and fromages until it was time to head for the Gard de Nord. 

Got in the queue for our 1911 Eurostar train back to Blighty, rolling in to Kings Cross St Pancras at 2030 BST. Walked across to York Way to catch the No.91 bus home. Unpacked before running an early bath and bed...

Sunday 15th September 2024

Aki up with alarm at 0400 to meet the gang downstairs and head for Paris with the Meaux rowing crew. I got up at 0630. Packed and descended to find myself alone in the breakfast room this time. Downed a coffee and a couple of mini-pain au chocolat and checked out. Walked across the bridge over the Marne, getting to the railway station in good time to meet Bernadette off her bus. We caught the 0750 train into Paris, then Ligne 7 to Pont Neuf. 

As we got onto the bridge, the rowers were going under the southern half of the bridge, taking them on a counter-clockwise route around the Ile de la Citie, and Notre Dame, before heading back the 12km to the start line at the Parc Nautique near Pont de Sevres. I was tracking Aki via her mobile phone, and her boat was still four bridges away to the west, so we walked east for a couple of bridges. Here the problems started, since from our new vantage point I could see through my binoculars that the city-bound boats were now being turned around. Unbeknown to us, there was a cut off point, presumably coinciding with the amount of water traffic now heading back to the start. We decided to catch an RER train from Musee d'Orsay, jumping out three stops down-river at Javal and taking up posts on Pont Mirabeau, but too late, as I could see Aki's boat had already gone through. 

We stayed at our posts on Pont Mirabeau, and managed to photograph one of the Meaux boats with David, Lucy, and Piers, who was coxing, aboard. I walked Bernadette back to Javal RER station. As we walked, Aki FaceTimed me from the Parc Nautique, and persuaded me to come meet her there. I waved farewell to Bernadette, and walked back across Pont Mirabeau. 

Found a brasserie near the Metro station and enjoyed a cafe au lait and a pain au chocolate, before heading for Pont de Sevres on the metro. Walking across the bridge, I could see the boats being de-rigged and put back on trailers, in a field adjoining the Parc Nautique buildings and boathouses. I bumped into one of the Meaux rowers, and she guided me through the field of trailers to Aki and the crew, who had just finished loading the last of their three boats onto the trailer...champagne corks were popped, and photos taken, before they all headed for the Parc Nautique office building to pick up their picnic lunch. Aki brought back enough for us to share, sat on the wheel arch of the trailer in the sunshine. She was obviously very peeved not to have gotten around the whole course, but had managed to row past the Statue of Liberty, and the Eiffel Tower, and had very much enjoyed the experience.

The party broke up...we said farewell to the admirable bunch who make up the Meaux team, and went our separate ways after a swift beer in the office atrium. Aki and I walked across Pont de Sevres and made our way to Le Peletier to book into our hotel for the night...almost directly opposite the hotel we had stayed in on Thursday night. Rested in our room, exhausted after the last two days of full-on action. Ventured down the Rue Faubourg for dinner at Le Chartier Bouillon, a 19th century establishment, originally a workers canteen...the food is still pretty cheap. The place was heaving, but we found a table without having to queue. Aki thought she'd ordered a glass of red wine, but it turned out to be a half-bottle of Bordeaux. She was a little tipsy by the time we left. We walked down the Rue Faubourg, taking a detour or two down interesting looking back-streets, eventually winding up on the Pont Neuf. Stunning sunset over western Paris which had attracted a large crowd to the bridge. Walked on to pay our respects to Notre Dame, before heading wearily back to the hotel via Chatelet and the metro. Will sleep well tonight...

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Saturday 14th September 2024

Early start this morning, so we were surprised to find so many people thronging the breakfast room!!! There were 11 of us, so had difficulty finding table space! Walked en masse back to the rowing club near the Plage de Meaux. Rocked up to find the place a hive of activity…lots of local club members readying their vessels for the Marne. Eight of the Lea rowers took to a large coxed eight; Aki joined a coxless four with two local ladies. I got into Jean-Evre’s motor boat to follow the teams up-river. He was acting as safety pilot. 

We went up-river for about 6km, turning the boats around just after the bridges at Tilport, to the east of Meaux. Nice day...sunny, but a bit chilly, especially when Jean-Evre pressed the accelerator. Back at the clubhouse, three boats had to be de-rigged and strapped to a trailer prior to tomorrow morning's journey to western Paris for the Traversee. I sat and watched in awe, the teamwork evidently extending beyond the was a well-organised team effort. The club had laid on a well-deserved picnic lunch, putting tables out below a large tree in the grounds of the clubhouse. 

We wandered back along the banks of the Marne to the hotel for a lie down, before heading into Meaux to take in the medieval vibes. Sat out at a brasserie opposite the impressive Town Hall and had a beer in the company of David and Lucy, a couple of River Lea rowing club members, and watched the weddings for a bit. Wandered into the town centre to take a look at the magnificent cathedral, which is partly under tarpaulin as restoration works are carried out. Happened upon another bunch of River Lea club members in the square enjoying a beer; much debate ensued about where to eat this evening. The gang eventually plumbed for C Comme Ca on the other side of the river, s short walk from the hotel, and we arranged to meet there at 1900. Aki and I sloped off for a champagne aperitif in the nice wine bar, then walked across to the hotel to pick up Piers, who we found waiting outside. The restaurant was sizeable, and they had arranged a long table to accommodate all eleven of us. The food was reasonably priced, and OK...went for three courses, not being able to resist the temptation of a creme brulee before we sorted out the bill and ambled back to the hotel for an early night.

Friday 13th September 2024

Woke around 0830. Got up and showered. Walked out into the busy Paris morn for petite dejeuner in a nearby brasserie. Got our act together, and descended into the Metropolitain, taking Ligne 7 to Pont-Neuf. Walked across the bridge and back, then on toward Rue de Rivoli to take a gander at the modern curved glass exterior to the extension to the 1930s era Samaritaine department store. Walked north toward Les Halles, then west to the nearby Bourse de Commerce, which has been refurbished for use as an art exhibition space, with a huge internal concrete sleeve by Tadao Ando. 

The current exhibition is dominated by a mirrored floor to the main rotunda, which visitors are allowed to venture onto in soft slip shoe protectors. The exhibition galleries on the upper floors were closed in preparation for October's exhibition opening. Went up to the restaurant on the top floor, but the prices put us off, so we ventured back out to find somewhere to lunch. Walked through The Louvre and out onto the Place de Pyramides, then navigated our way through the Tuileries Gardens to L'Orangie museum, hoping to lunch in their cafe, but there was a very very long queue, so we back-tracked, and found a brasserie to the north of The Louvre...a lot of walking involved, as the exits and entrances to the Gardens were largely cut off due to works clearing up after the Olympiques. Enjoyed croque madame for lunch, then ventured back underground to collect our baggage from the hotel. Took the Metro to Gare de L'Est, where we managed to catch the 1615 train to Meaux. 

Walked from the station, across the bridge over the River Marne, and checked into the Hotel Ibis. Got ourselves settled, then took a slow walk south-east along the banks of the Marne, eventually rocking up at the Meaux Rowing club...we were about 30 minutes early, and they were still setting up in order to welcome the ten rowers from the River Lea club who had come over at the Meaux club's invitiation, having hosted some of them in London early in the year. 

We all gathered outside the clubhouse around 2000, and after introductions, we were ushered into an adjacent marquee where they put on some grub and sat around talking boats. They put on a good was all admirably organised. 

Thursday 12th September 2024

Aki woke early, as she'd gained an emergency appointment with the dental practice round the corner. I got up around 0900. Porridged. Finished packing, and sat about until it was time to cook an early lunch. Tried finishing as much of the food in the fridge as we could manage! Took a bus to Finsbury Park, and then tube to KX. Rocked up at St Pancras in good time to join the queue for the Eurostar to Paris. Train busy…but left on time. Got in to Gare de Nord a little before 1800. Took a metro train to Gare de L’Est and changed for Ligne 7. Only a couple of stops to Cadet. 

Walked down Rue Lafayette to the Grand Hotel and checked in. Boutique hotel with a penchant for black…even the en-suite toilet was black. Phoned Les Arlots and booked a table for two. Walked up there for 1930…close to Gare de Nord. We were the first to rock up and they sat us in the window. 

Very small establishment, so it quickly filled up. Had read about the venue in The Guardian, and they didn’t disappoint. I had their renowned sausicce and mash; Aki went for the confit of duck. Shared a chocolate mousse for afters. Walked back to the hotel well sated…

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Wednesday 11th September 2024

Fitful night’s sleep. Kept waking to find myself worrying about the state of the roof! Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club. She woke me at 0845 to get me up…I waved her off and got the dust sheets out in readiness to greet the window replacement man. Porridged. Window replacement man turned up...he was done within the hour! Sat and read some Dickens before Aki returned for lunch. Managed to finish pruning the wisteria in between showers. Borrowed Margaret's extendable shears. Cooked a chicken cacciatore for dinner, which I served with broccoli and polenta. Packed our bags prior to tomorrow's trip to Paris. Watched the second episode of "The Zelensky Story"...the mood darkens as he is forced become a war-time president. Bath and bed...

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Tuesday 10th September 2024

Got up at 1000. Porridged. Mucked about in the back bedroom with my new guitar pedal, trying vainly to find the right sounds. Read some Nickleby. Aki made ramen soup for lunch. Did some pruning of the wisteria out I pulled at one long strand that I'd cut, it brought down Lynne's two duck flower planters on her window ledge. They lurched off the window sill, unable to fly, smashing to pieces on the paving slab below! I had to ring her doorbell and pass on the bad news. We had a little chat about the on-going search for a roofer. She said she had a short video that a past contender had made, and sent it across to us. The roof looks in a state where it meets the parapet walls...may have to look in to the possibility of an insurance claim! It started to raining, so I retreated from the front garden, and resumed my guitar wig-out in the back room. Aki made some dal, which we had with the last of the fish curry. Watched a bit of telly. Early bath and bed ahead of tomorrow's planned visit from the window repair team...

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Monday 9th September 2024

Woke around 0930 feeling weary...rather a disturbed night's sleep for some reason. I dreamt Eileen Davidson had an album in the LP chart; bizarrely, her husband Steve also had one. The cover of the former showed Eileen pulling away from an unknown gentleman; Steve's album covered featured his face beside a blown up image of a violin! The notion that Ste "The Policeman" plays the violin is very amusing! Got up and porridged. Rehearsed a couple of "Witch" numbers in the back bedroom. Lunched early on fried tomatoes and cheese on toast, then set off for the bus stop opposite the Sobell Sports Centre. Hopped on a No.29 bus to Camden Town, and descended into the station to take a Northern Line train to Golders Green. Walked up the Finchley Road for an appointment for a scan on my left inguinal hernia at the Health Centre. The scan operator said nothing untoward showed up; still await the results of Friday's testicular scan. Walked back down to the tube station; got out at Chalk Farm and walked down into Camden Town, though Camden Market. Turned right up Parkway to take a look at the Dolsot Korean restaurant, which I thought we had previously visited with Katrina, but I don't recall the BBQ tables, so not sure. Ended up at Guitar Guitar to seek advice on how to dirty up the sound of my electric guitar, given that I'm putting it through an acoustic amp. The guy sold me a Woodrow pre-amp pedal (for £325!). Took the No.253 bus home. Aki had returned from Waitrose with some supplies. Read some Dickens and listened to some Naima Bock. Aki cooked a carbonara for dinner. Watched Jamie Oliver do some cooking in his garden shed. 

Sunday, 8 September 2024

Sunday 8th September 2024

Sound of thunder and heavy rain woke me around 0215...the lightening was very near, lighting up the bedroom. Aki slept on unawares (she had her earplugs in). Woke around 0945...hauled myself out of bed. Porridged. Aki had egg on toast, before cycling off to Rowing Club. Read some Dickens with my coffee. Spent most of the morning working through "Witch" numbers on my electric guitar, in the back bedroom. Think I made some progress. Aki lunching at the Cafe next the Rowing Club, so prepared myself a late lunch. Grey day, with intermittent heavy rain, so didn't venture out. Aki had to dodge a downpour on her cycle ride back home...she popped into Waitrose on the way to get some ingredients for tonight's fish curry. Rehearsed some left arm was aching, so I gave up and had a lie down on the living-room floor. Aki served the curry with rice, followed by tiramisu and creme fraiche. Did some research ahead of our forthcoming trip to Paris, pinpointing some possible museum visits, and restaurants within striking distance of our hotel. Bath and bed...

Saturday, 7 September 2024

Saturday 7th September 2024

Overslept after last night's shenanigans. Aki cooked a generous late breakfast/early brunch, then we headed for the South Bank, taking a bus to Finsbury Park station, then the tube to Embankment...walked over Hungerford Bridge. A lot of people about. Tony had gotten two spare tickets for the matinee of "The Grapes of Wrath" at the National. It was well staged and designed, but failed to draw me in...partly, I think, because I couldn't make out half the dialogue beneath the thick American accents...but the songs were good, and the musicians excellent. Briefly caught Tony in the interval before he went to catch his Hastings train. Walked along the southern Embankment afterward, and caught a train from Blackfriars, getting out at St Pancras. Bought some milk and oven chips in M&S, then caught a No.91 bus home. Warmed up the chicken and mushroom pie, which we finished off with the oven frites, and plenty of vegetables. Watched some BBC Prom on the telly, followed by The Ten. Bath and bed...

Friday 6th September 2024

Woke around 0930. Exhausted after last night's rehearsal. Rolled out of bed...Aki already at the computer working. Porridged. Rehearsed a couple of "Witch" tunes in the back bedroom. Lunch. Took myself off to Waterloo...walked to Finsbury Park, and hopped on a tube train. Wandered through Waterloo now boasts an upper deck of shops and eateries. My InHealth appointment was on the first floor of an 80s era tower opposite Waterloo station's eastern exit. I alerted reception to my presence, and didn't have to wait long before called in for my ultra-sound scan. Unusually, the scanner was a female practitioner...thought it a bit odd, since the scan was on my left testicle, but all went without a hitch, and she suggested the results would be with my GP early next week. Walked along The Cut, and from thence to Borough, stopping for a decaf and a chocolate brownie at Audrey's, which I'd visited a few months ago when carrying out inspections in the vicinity. Then wandered through Borough Market, picking up a tasty looking rustic loaf on my way. Caught a No.43 bus back to Holloway from London Bridge. We warmed up the pasta bake I'd made a couple of days ago for dinner, then set off on foot for Newington the time we got to Highbury Barn, it was threatening rain, so we jumped on a No.236 bus. The Mildmay Club is a late Victorian edifice fronting the north side of the was originally named the Mildmay Radical Club. The band, King Toadfish and the All Weather Riders were still setting up in the concert hall, so we descended to the basement bar for a swift half. Nice atmosphere...very convivial. There were games of pool and darts being played, and various groups sat around tables chatting away...we liked the vibe. We took our drinks upstairs to bag a table near the dance floor...Aki's rowing mate, Kate, turned up, with a couple of her lady friends. The band were an odd mix of West Coast Americana, rock-steady, ska, and trad jazz...we all got up and had a jig about to a lengthy ska number. They took a break at about 2215, so we decided to make a run for it before they struck up again, walking up Green Lanes, and hopping on a bus to manor House, where we caught a No.29 to Hornsey Road, bath and bed...

Friday, 6 September 2024

Thursday 5th September 2024

Woke around 0900 but dozed for half an hour or so before getting up to porridge. Read some Dickens at the dining table. Grey, damp day. Rehearsed some "Witch" tunes in the back bedroom. Walked over to Waitrose after lunch, but got caught in a heavy downpour...had to leg the last furlong or so. Bought some odds and ends, and some puff pastry for tonight's chicken and mushroom pie. I headed for home to do the prep, whilst Aki ventured on to Morrisons to get some juice, as Waitrose were out of stock. Pie came out well...I even managed to add some leaf shapes to the pie crust. Packed my guitar into it's carry case and drove over to Stoke Newington for band rehearsal at Tamara's flat. Matthew turned up with bass and amp in tow. Tamara's studio room was very hot...and we daren't open the window for fear of disturbing the neighbours! But we got through just about everything in a couple of need to start integrating the other musicians, and singers. Drove home for bath and bed...

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Wednesday 4th September 2024

Aki up with alarm at 0730. I woke at 0945! Hauled myself out of bed, by which time Aki had long since cycled off to Rowing Club. Porridged. Ventured out back to hang out the washing...being very careful with the glazed back door, with it's shattered glass. I couldn't face the thought of traipsing through Margaret's next door. Did a little Witch rehearsal. Aki cycled home for lunch. Walked round to the GP surgery to see the Healthcare Assistant and have my blood pressure checked. She thought it OK (118 over 94), but referred me to a personal trainer! I then walked up to Archway to get an x-ray of my left shoulder at the Imaging Department, Whittington Hospital. Walked back down to Lower Holloway via Aldi's. Back home, I read some Dickens...Nicholas Nickleby has joined an itinerant theatre troupe, and makes his debut on the provincial stage...all very entertaining! Phoned mum and dad...they seem to be doing OK. Dad has remained off the morphine, but seems to be coping using his walking stick rather than the Zimmer frame. Aki baked trout for dinner. Watched a very enlightening documentary on the rise of President Zelensky...elected for promising to rid the nation of it's greedy oligarchs, but never thinking for a moment he'd soon be at war with Putin. His comedy career was stellar, forming his own production company, and selling shows to Russia.

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Aki up with alarm at 0730. I dozed until 0900. Got up and porridged. Rehearsed some "Witch" tunes on the electric guitar. Aki back in time for some lunch. Walked down to Hornsey Street for CAT scan at the Health Centre. I assumed it was to be done there and then, but it was an assessment with a skeletal practitioner, who tested my reflexes and got me to do various pressure exercises...she decided the problem wasn't the herniated discs in my neck, but a frozen shoulder...she referred me to the Whittington for an x-ray to make sure there wasn't anything more sinister going on, and referred me to a physiotherapist. Popped into Waitrose on the way home. Nice day...almost summery! Prepped dinner. Cooked an aubergine and tomato pasta bake. Tasty! Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

Monday, 2 September 2024

Monday 2nd September 2024

Woke around 0900. Rolled out of bed for tea and porridge. Did some exercises. Lunch. We walked over to Stroud Green to buy some odds and ends in Tesco, popping in on Kevin at No.93 for a cuppa tea. He'd intimated he was about to join Laurence over there, and we'd assumed they'd be in Paris, but they are holing up in the south of France to be as far from Laurence's mother as they can get! Back home, I baked some chicken with copious home-grown tomatoes, served up with sauteed potatoes and lots of vegetables. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

Sunday 1st September 2024


Woke at 0730 but managed to nod back off again. Very comfortable mattress! Got up at around 0900 and descended to the kitchen to find Jim making tea. Katherine warmed up some croissants. Packed my overnight bag and drove off, heading south-east. Thick fog as I drove over the tops to Penistone…bit of drizzle too, but the weather soon cleared, and the forecast thunderstorms didn’t materialise. Stopped at Leicester Forest East and bought a coffee, and some lunch to eat a bit further down the road. Stopped at Toddington and parked up to eat lunch while listening to Guy Garvey interview Barney and Kojo about their creative partnership, and upcoming gigs for MRCY. Got home around 1515…Aki still entertaining Noriko, a former lodger who I met here some 12 years ago. She’s working in Tokyo, and we arranged to meet her in March at the Gigabar! Unloaded the car and caught up with various neighbours who happened to wander by. Aki cooked salmon teriyaki for dinner. Watched the film of Barney’s band MRCY live at the Mildmay Club. Caught episode 3 of “Sherwood”…Aki hadn’t seen episodes 1or 2, so didn’t know what was going on! Watched The Ten before bath and bed…

Saturday 31st August 2024

Woke gone 0900. Hauled myself out of bed and started packing before descending for breakfast with mum, dad and Kath. Dad had had a somewhat disturbed night’s sleep…the morphine not agreeing with him. He thought he was working on a pink taffeta dress, having to remove countless little sewn on letters, which were scattered at his feet. He’s decided he can live without the morphine! I showered and then put a rice pudding in the oven before taking a brisk walk down to the Co-op to replenish their milk supply. Back at High View, Jim and Emma showed up…I made lunch for us all, followed by rice pud…dad had two portions! Packed my stuff into the car, then made my farewells on the driveway, and headed for Holmfirth. Stopped off at Hartshead Moor. Got to Holmfirth just before 1800. Jim and Kath served up a strange 'fusion' for dinner...left over chicken curry, pork pie, quiche, potatoes, and broccoli...we washed it all down with a bottle of cava I'd purchased at the service station. Pudding was juiced blackberries with star anise, into which we dipped our Magnum ice creams. Repaired to the lounge to watch a 20 minute live film of Barney's band MRCY, filmed at the Mildmay Club, which funnily enough Aki and I have tickets for this coming Friday night. It's a classy little promotional short. Barney and Kojo have been interviewed by Guy Garvey, for transmission on his 6Music show tomorrow afternoon. Aki FaceTimed us, and I then phoned mum to see that all was well at High View. Got to bed around 2300...I was put up in Ro's room at the north end of the house.

Friday 30th August 2024

Woke around 0815. Breakfasted downstairs with mum. Nice day. I was just preparing to head off for the shops when dad rang from the hospital to say he wanted picking up. Kath sped off with mum aboard…I drove to Kingston Park for petrol, before driving on to the Freeman. It transpired that father had misunderstood, so we resolved to await further developments. Kath, mum and I went down to the basement to seek out the hospital restaurant. Ate a sandwich and some crisps at a table outside, surrounded by lunching staff members. Kath and I trotted back and forth to her car afterward with zimmer frame, and raised toilet seat. Stood about on the ward waiting for the physio to take dad through detailed instructions on getting about on his crutches, and getting himself in and out of the car. We eventually wheeled him down to the hospital entrance at about 1530…four hours after arrival! Managed to manhandle him into the passenger seat of my car…mum got in the back, and I drove us back to High View. Managed to walk dad around the side of the house, gaining entry via the dining-room French window. Sat him in a raised chair in the living-room. He seems OK, though the morphine is befuddling the brain a little. He told us he'd had visions last night in his hospital bed, thinking that mum had been wheeled into his ward in the bed across from him, having caught norovirus off of him. He called out her name a couple of times, but got no response. Luckily he couldn't get out of bed, as he was on a drip. Come the morning, he asked his nurse if his wife was alright...she told him that it wasn't his wife, but had thought Margaret's legs were a bit hairier than he'd remembered!!! Got him to the dining table to eat some vegetable stew left over from yesterday, which he got down him without mishap. Watched some telly. Dad nodded off in his chair, so we woke him to encourage him to get to bed. He got his zimmer frame trapped between the chair and the piano, and Kath had to prevent him from falling backward. We guided him to his bed, where he backed up, and suddenly let go the zimmer frame, tottering backward...just managed to get a hand to him, and lower him onto the bed! 

Thursday 29th August 2024

Woke around 0815. Descended for breakfast with mother. Sat about reading Dickens. Drove mum down to Waitrose to get some odds and ends for dinner. Not sure if dad coming out today…will have to wait and see. Pizza for lunch. Cooked up a couple of litres of vegetable stew, and made some plum spoom. Dad rang to say he was desperate to come home, but had to break off as he suddenly became violently sick. Jim and Emma showed up. Dad rang to ask us to come and pick him up at 1700. We phoned the nurse who advised he stay in another night so they could monitor his progress. I drove mum over to the Freeman, leaving Jim and Emma at High View. Kath had work. The nurse on Ward 19 confirmed dad had been sick a few times, and was tired and dehydrated…they wanted him to stay in so they could keep him on a drip. He looked tired and wan, and even a sip of water had him making for the bathroom. He had reluctantly accepted that we wouldn’t be bringing him home this evening, and he was worried he might have caught norovirus, which he feared he’d pass on to mum. His mobile phone was losing charge and he hadn’t brought his charger, so we left promising to return with his charger later. Mum a bit upset on her way out of the hospital. But I think it best they keep a professional eye on him tonight. Drove back to High View for stew with Jim and Emma. They then left, taking the charger and a small supply of oranges to drop off at Ward 19 on their way home. Jim rang later to confirm delivery, but that dad had been asleep, snoring soundly. Watched a bit of telly with mum before Kath got in. FaceTimed Aki. See what tomorrow brings…

Wednesday 28th August 2024

Alarm at 0555 but nodded back off for half an hour. Got up just in time to stand with mum in the porch and wave farewell to dad as Kath drove him off to the Freeman for another shot at the hip op. Went back to bed for a bit before descending to join mum for breakfast. Dad rang to say he was first in line this morning. Put some lunch together when Kath turned up. Suddenly noticed copious amounts of flood water hugging the base of the kitchen units…turned out to be a leak from below the kitchen sink. Jim and Emma showed up for their showers, and Jim got down on his hands and knees and fixed the leaking pipework. Received a call from dad to say he was out of theatre and we arranged to go in to visit after dinner…I cooked a chicken Parmentier. Drove mum into the Freeman after dinner. Found dad on Ward 19. He was sat in a big armchair, and looked OK…not groggy, as they hadn’t put him under this time…he’d been given a spinal anaesthetic which meant he’d been conscious for the duration of the hip replacement procedure, and could hear the sounds of sawing and hammering!!! We left at 2000 and drove back to High View for a stiff drink!

Tuesday 27th August 2024

Woke around 0830. Descended for breakfast with mum and dad. Kath back in time for an early lunch. I stepped out intending to walk down to the Co-op, but it had started raining, so took the car and drove to Waitrose. Did a bit of shopping then drove back to High View. Cooked a beef chilli with beans, and served with mashed potato and vegetables for dinner. Rehearsed a couple of songs upstairs, then came down to watch some telly. FaceTimed Aki…she’s looking forward to rowing tomorrow morning…

Monday 26th August 2024

Woke around 0900. Lay in bed listening to music on my headphones, before descending for porridge. Sat at the dining table for much of the morning, reading the paper, and doing puzzles with mum. Showered. Prepared lunch...smoked salmon on potato cakes with a side salad. Kath not working this afternoon, so we took Margaret on at Scrabble. Kath cooked a spaghetti carbonara for dinner; I cooked a giant almond cookie for dessert. Watched the second episode of Sherwood. FaceTimed Aki before bed…she’d enjoyed the showing of The Leopard last night.