As I reached out for my glass of water on the bedside table at around 0515, Aki turned over and kicked my foot, resulting in my pushing the mug of water over, and soaking the bedside table...had to get up and get a load of kitchen towels from the front room! Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club. I lazed in bed for a bit, reading “Coming Through Slaughter”. Got up and porridged. Did a bit of work trying to learn the guitar part to Emilia’s Torrini’s “Sunnyroad”. Ventured out to get some odds and ends from Waitrose. Got back in time to catch Aki putting her bike away. Cooked a couple of slices of pizza for lunch, with a side salad. We worked in the front garden after lunch, me up the step ladder with the shears, pruning the wisteria before it gets too out of hand. Prepared a chicken, leek and mushroom pie for dinner…it was topped with potato rather than pastry, and was a trifle disappointing. Aki had a zoom meeting with her Japanese OAP gang, so I ambled over to the Owl & Hitchiker for the open mic. Nice room…feels more comfortable than the rather oddly shaped North Nineteen, but there weren’t many participants, and the atmosphere was rather lacking. I got up at around 2100 and did three Stones numbers. Matt the host was persuaded to join me onstage to whack the cahon to Country Honk. Aki walked in just as I began Sweet Virginia. Really enjoyed a rapper called Unique Technician, who performed to a pulsing backing track. Walked home; bath and bed…
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