Saturday, 15 June 2024

Friday 14th June 2024

Woke around 0900. Aki got up and made tea. I stayed in bed and read some Dickens. Got up for porridge. Aki working at the computer. I finished off "Our Mutual Friend"...go see the NT version next week. Can't say it blew me away...some longeurs, and a habit of repetition which made the longeurs longer! Heated up some leftover ragu for dinner, with fried garlic mushrooms, and some pasta. Walked round to the library on Blackstock Road to drop off our copy of "Coming Through Slaughter", and pick up the new Book Club read, "The Leopard". Walked up Stroud Green Road to buy some odds and ends in Green & Glory before walking home. The forecast rain hung back, fortunately. Aki cooked salmon for dinner, with rice, kimchi, and miso soup. Watched the Germans hammer the Scots 5-1 in the opening game of the Euros before bath and bed...

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