Wednesday 19 June 2024

Wednesday 19th June 2024

Rather fitful night's sleep...pain in my left arm, which was muted, presumably through my having been back on the amitriptyline, but I lay awake in terror that it might escalate. Must have drifted off around 0230. Woke up at 0545 worrying about the Peabody mystery that Andy G had sprung upon me last night. Got up at 0730 and made tea. Porridged. Aki readied herself for Rowing Club, and cycled off. I worked at the computer until breaking for lunch. Work meant I had to abandon plans to accompany Aki to see Gayu's Foundation Arts course exhibition in Camden Town...she headed off with Jane and Carlos from No.36. Caught some of the Croatia v Albania game...which ended in a creditable draw for the Albanians. Worked until 1700, then broke to watch the Germany v Hungary game (2-0). Started making a coq au vin for dinner during the second half...served it up with orzo and vegetables before the Scotland v Switzerland game kicked off...the Scots had turned up in numbers in Cologne, and got off to a great start, but enter Shaqiri's magical left foot to draw the Swiss level, and so it remained. 

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