Saturday 29 June 2024

Saturday 29th June 2024


Woke around 0830. Aki brought me a cuppa tea. Louise FaceTimed us from her bed, wanting to know if I was planning to do a couple of songs at her birthday bash. I told her I’d been rehearsing some Bowie numbers. Aki cycled off to Yerbury Farmers Market to buy bread, while I prepared brunch. Sat about after eating, reading some Lampedusa. Set off on foot for Stoke Newington at 1345. Nice sunny day. Stopped at Peggy’s Corner to buy ice cream. Met Piers in the bar at the Tower Theatre…watched Colin Guthrie’s production of an adaptation of Crime and Punishment. It was painfully long, but the guy playing Raskolnikov was very good and carried the epic manfully. Colin had written some nice music with a bit of help from Shostakovich. We repaired to Suttons afterward for a fish ‘n chip supper, then walked home. Got in in time to see the Germans beat Denmark 2-0. Early bath and bed…

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