Saturday 22 June 2024

Saturday 22nd June 2024

Woke around 0900. Aki got up and made tea, then cycled off to buy bread from Yerbury Farmer's Market, while I vacuumed. She brought back some of Roberto's tomato and onion focaccia, which we ate with our egg and halloumi brunch. Took a walk down to Highbury, and from thence onto Essex Road to visit our fishmonger. Walked back via the butcher. It threatened to rain for most of the walk, but fortunately held off. Got home in time to catch the second half of the Georgia v Czechia game...astonished to find the Georgians 1-0 up, but it didn't last. Flicked between tennis from Queen's and the Turkey v Portugal game. Aki prepared a little Japanese style banquet for dinner, then watched the Belgians defeat the plucky Romanians. 

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