Sunday 2 June 2024

Saturday 1st June 2024

Woke at 0900…exhausted after yesterday’s efforts in the kitchen. Read some Dickens before descending for crunchy nut cornflakes and a mug of tea. We sat in the dining room reading the paper. By late morning it was warm enough to venture out into the back garden. I cooked a sardine agrodolce for lunch with toast and a bit of salad. Jim and Emma turned up as I was serving up…they plan to park the van on the drive tonight. Sat outside supping tea and having a catch up. Ordered Indian takeaway for dinner, as there are six mouths to feed this evening. I took some afternoon exercise, walking down to the shops at Darras to buy some milk, and a bottle of sherry. Kath drove down later to pick up the food…I put the oven on and warmed the naans. We ate outside on the patio...very tasty...the food, not the patio! Watched a bit of "Rebus" before heading upstairs to listen to some Kinks rehearsal aids. Kath came in on her way to bed to say the 87 year old woman she'd been out to see this evening had fallen downstairs, and she'd had to call an ambulance out! A rather grim hazard of the caring profession, I fear!!!

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