Tuesday 4 June 2024

Monday 3rd June 2024

Slow start this morning. Dozed until 0900. Aki brought me a mug of tea, which I drank in bed; read some Dickens. Porridged at the computer, as I needed to put my May expenses claims in. We had trout and salad for lunch. Aki pottered about in the front garden after lunch. I sat about reading, most of the time...started "Coming Through Slaughter"...lovin' it! Got a message from Kath saying dad had been offered his hip operation on Wednesday, the team having had a last minute cancellation. He hasn't had the results of last Thursday's bone scan, though...I think he should wait to get that before going ahead. I rang him, and he said he'd just had a message calling him in for a chat with the scan team tomorrow morning...hope it's not bad news. Kath said she'd take him in, with mum riding sidecar. Had an early dinner...ragu and tagliatelle, with some cabbage on the side. Tasty enough, though I think it could do without the chicken liver, which adds slightly too strong a flavour. Walked up to Hanley Road for Gospel Choir rehearsal. Not in good voice, but got through it in one piece, and walked home. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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